Enrolling in a gym and working with different types of weights is great, but it isn't for everybody.
Whether you don't have enough time to go to the gym or simply cannot afford it, calisthenics is a great alternative.
Calisthenics is a powerhouse of an exercise routine that will help you develop your body from head to toe. It enhances flexibility and builds strength in nearly every part of your body.
This workout can be done anywhere and at anytime. If you choose the right exercises, you will be able to gain muscle while taking off fat at the same time.
6 best calisthenic exercises to start with
1) Squats
The squat is one of the best calisthenic exercises out there. It stimulates your quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and abs all at once.
Squats are an ideal exercise for achieving a well-rounded physique.
How to do squats the right way:
- To perform squats, stand with your arms by your sides, your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent.
- Come down as if you were going to sit down in a chair, but do not actually sit down.
- Repeat this at least three times.
2) Pull-ups
When it comes to calisthenic exercises, this is the ultimate shredder. Many bodybuilders in the world are unable to lift their entire body weight with their upper body alone.
Pull-ups work your deltoids, pecs, traps, biceps, and forearms, among other muscles.
How to do the pull-ups correctly:
- You grab a bar overhead with an overhand grip, lifting your entire body off the ground.
- Then you pull yourself up until your chest level is even with the bar. You can perform this exercise anywhere.
It takes practice to master pull-ups, and you might be able to do only a couple at first. Advanced versions include the hammer grip, narrow grip, around-the-world, and muscle-up pull-ups.
3) Jumping lunges
Jumping lunges are an excellent calisthenic exercise to tone and strengthen your legs, improve balance and coordination and burn calories.
Regularly alternating jumping lunges will also help you build lower body limb strength.
Here's how to do a jumping lunge correctly:
- Keep your feet parallel, a few inches apart, and lightly touching the floor.
- Roll your shoulders back and down, and stick out your chest, chin up.
- Keeping your knees locked, step forward with the right foot and lower your body until the right thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Land softly on the floor and then step back to starting position.
- Repeat for ten reps and then switch to the left side.
4) Incline Push-ups
The incline push-up tones and strengthens the arms, upper body, and chest. It is an effective calisthenic exercise that improves balance, upper body muscle endurance, and core strength.
How to do the incline push-up correctly:
- Lie on a bench or sofa, keeping your head raised and your eyes forward.
- Bend your elbows and place your hands on the bench by your sides.
- Your arms and legs should be straight, and you should be in a straight line from neck to ankles.
- Engage your core and push up, raising your chest to the height of the bench.
5) Chin-ups
Chin-ups are one of the easiest ways to build upper body strength and endurance. They train your pectorals, deltoids, biceps, triceps, and lats. You just need a bar secured at a height.
How to do chin-ups correctly:
- To do a chin-up, stand below the bar and grip it with both hands at shoulder width, palms facing your body.
- Bend your knees and cross your legs.
- Then, curl your biceps and slowly pull yourself up until your chin is just above the bar.
- Now lower yourself slowly, and repeat.
6) Hanging Knee Raise
The hanging knee raise is a terrific upper and lower-body calisthenic exercise. The elevated knee position tightens your glutes, increases hip mobility, and strengthens your core. Meanwhile, your stretched arms target your shoulder, arms, and back muscles.
Aside from these benefits, the hanging knee raise is also good for your spine.
How to do the hanging knee raise correctly:
- Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the bar and keep your knees straight.
- Bend your knees, lifting them up.
- Make sure you keep your back straight and hold this position for a few seconds before returning to the original position.
- Repeat.
Benefits of Calisthenics
While we all know the benefits of weight lifting, calisthenic workouts provide some unique benefits. Here are some of them:
- Calisthenics help boost the basal metabolic rate, which means that you’ll burn through calories faster.
- Because of their focus on muscle and body movement rather than heavy weights, calisthenics workouts put less stress on your joints.
- Studies have shown that exercise can play a significant role in boosting mental health, and this holds true for any form of exercise. Calisthenics is easier to start out with than more impactful forms of exercise.
- You will see some increased flexibility in your muscles as you go through calisthenic workouts. However, they do not provide the same level of flexibility as yoga or other forms of stretching.
In short, it would be best for you to do a variety of calisthenic exercises.
These exercises can improve your strength in the long term. You don't need to live in the gym or get a gym membership to get good results from a calisthenic workout. All you need is the will to lift that barbell and start the process of building your body.