Power rack exercises are important to boost muscle endurance and strength. As these are compound movements, you’ll be working on more than one muscle group.
Usually, almost every muscle group can benefit from specific power rack exercises. However, it’s advised to not do bicep curls at the power rack, as some exercises cannot be done elsewhere.
Nevertheless, if you have access to a power rack, you should try some compound exercises for overall strength.
Power Rack Exercises for Muscle Mass
First, it’s important to know that if you want to add muscle mass, you’ll have to be on a calorie surplus. However, if you continue to do heavy exercise while on a cut, you’ll be able to become leaner while adding some form of muscle, if not massively.
Here are six power rack exercises you should try for gaining muscle mass:
1) Barbell Squat
Barbell squats are the king of leg exercises. If you want to focus on your quadriceps, there’s nothing better than squats.
However, you may need some help in the beginning, as the barbell rests on your shoulder as you execute the squats. It’s best to begin with only a barbell before adding weights. You can use pads to add a level of comfort for your shoulders when you put the barbell on them.
You have to keep your back straight, and make sure your knees do not cross your toes when you’re doing squats.
2) Bench Press
Another popular pick from power rack exercises for strength is the bench press. It focuses on your pectoral muscles and triceps as well.
On a bench press, it’s important to hold a grip where the pressure does not transfer to your triceps. When you lower the barbell, your elbows shouldn’t go all the way beyond the bench. If that happens, it becomes extremely difficult to press the barbell back up. Moreover, it’s better to flare and push than tucking your elbows.
It's also advisable that you begin with a light weight to get used to the overall motion. It’s important to set the foundation before moving to heavier weights.
3) Barbell Overhead Press
Overhead presses are important to sculpt your shoulders. While shoulder presses can be done with dumbbells, if you can do barbell presses, you must.
You can do overhead presses while standing or seated. You must ensure you’ve racked the barbell such that it’s slightly above your shoulders.
You may need to slightly bend your knees before pushing the barbell upwards to gain momentum. If you’re doing standing barbell overhead press, ensure to engage your core to maintain stability and balance.
4) Rack Pull
Rack pulls are one of the power rack exercises that focus on almost your entire body. It focuses on glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, lats, forearms and traps. Additionally, it allows you to work on your spine and strengthen it.
As you need to set the barbell lower than your knee, it’s ideal to begin with a lighter weight. When you lift the barbell off the rack, ensure to keep your back straight. In fact, you can use a belt if you’re lifting heavy weights, which causes your back to curve.
5) Inverted Row
This is one of the body weight power rack exercises that can help with your lats, especially, if you’re unable to do pulls ups.
When you do inverted rows, you should have a grip that allows you to flare your lats and work the muscles. As you become stronger, you can start incorporating pull-ups into your workout routine.
6) Deadlift
Deadlifts are power rack exercises that shouldn’t be skipped at all. They work on your lower back and lower body, helping you with improving strength, muscle endurance and overall mobility.
You don't need to lift extremely heavily to reap the benefits of deadlifts. Even if you do deadlifts with lighter weights while keeping your form and posture correct, you’ll be able to benefit immensely.
Power rack exercises are a great way to add some compound movements to your routine and build muscle in your upper and lower body. This versatile piece of equipment can add a lot to your workout routines, so be sure to make the most of it!