#5 Single Seated Leg Squat
For this squat workout, you will need a chair or a couch that will allow your knees to be bent at 90 degrees while you are seated.
Step 1: Sit on the chair, placing your hands on your hips or extending them in front of you.
Step 2: Lift your left leg a few inches off the floor and lean forward.
Step 3: Quickly, get off the seat with your left leg still in the air and stand straight.
Step 4: Slowly, lower back to the chair and repeat for this side before you switch. Do not rest between reps. All you have to do it barely touch the seat and not sit on it.
Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each for both sides.
Next up: Pistol Squats
Edited by Raunak J