Your nails might not be your first stop when you look for health indicators, but they can actually reveal a lot.
Your entire health, energy level, and even attractiveness are all affected by the quality of your nutrition. Anything from the condition of your hair to the condition of your skin to even your nail health is impacted by what you consume.
Have you ever wondered why a broken or black-lined nail appears that way? As it turns out, nail health is intimately related to how effectively your body functions in other areas.
5 nail health symptoms to be on the lookout for
Nails can provide a crucial insight into your general well-being. Having healthy, strong nails isn't just beneficial for a visit to the nail salon. Unpleasant nail symptoms can also be an indication of larger health issues.

1) Nail pitting
Nail pitting is the formation of little circular depressions, or notches, in the nails. It's frequent in people with skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Alopecia areata, an autoimmune illness that causes hair loss, may also be linked to nail pitting.

2) Dark streak
If you notice an unfamiliar or changing dark stripe on a fingernail or toe, it's time to contact the doctor for a skin tumor screening. That dark streak might be melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Not every black stripe is a melanoma, but it's always a good idea to get one examined by a dermatologist. Early detection and treatment may be all that is required.

3) Brittle nails
Nails that appear dry, broken, or brittle are a common problem and there are several possible causes. Dryness on the plate of the nail can cause soft, brittle nails.
This can be caused by swimming, the abuse of nail paint remover, regular dishwashing with no gloves, or just living in an area with a low-humidity climate.
However, if brittle nails persist, consult a doctor. Hypothyroidism (a condition in which the thyroid functions too slowly) can also cause this adverse effect.

4) Terry nails
The majority of the fingernail appears white in Terry's nails, except for a tiny pink or red band at the top.
Terry's nails occasionally develop as a result of ageing. In certain situations, however, it may be an indication of a more severe medical condition, including liver disease, congestive heart failure, or diabetes.

5) Horizontal lines on the nails
Age-related ridges in the nails are possible. Straight ridges, also known as Beau's lines, appearing across the nail suggest that your nail growth has slowed or ceased, which could be due to a medical ailment.
High temperatures, vitamin insufficiency, injury, diabetes, and peripheral arterial disease are all common reasons. These lines can also be caused by chemotherapy.

6) Coloured nails
While some nail colours may propose a minor deficit, others may signal a more serious problem. Have you recently noticed some red nails? Red nails could indicate heart illness or kidney issues. Red nails have also been linked to psoriasis and lupus.
Blue nails indicate poor oxygen flow or heart or lung issues. The most severe of them is a straight black stripe extending from the cuticle up to the tip. This colour change has been observed in people with subungal melanoma, a severe skin malignancy. If you see a strange colour, consult a dermatologist or specialist.

If your fingernails are acting up without any other symptoms, it's generally not a cause for concern. However, if you detect any other inexplicable symptoms in conjuction with irregularities in your nails, consult a healthcare expert about possible explanations. Once diagnosed, most root causes of nail issues are simple to treat.