If nothing seems to work on your insomnia, it might be time to add a few gentle yoga exercises to your nightly routine.
Although it sounds a bit weird to think you should work out and tire yourself before bed, studies have actually found that yoga improves sleep efficiency and how quickly a person falls asleep, which is especially beneficial for people with insomnia.
Regular yoga practice helps calm the nervous system and assists you in sleeping peacefully. The key is to practice a few restorative and calm poses.
Yoga Exercises for Insomnia
To help you get a sound and peaceful sleep, here's a look at six yoga poses you must try if you have trouble sleeping:
1) Big Toe Pose
This pose helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which plays a major role in releasing stress and putting the body to rest and sleep.
To do this yoga exercise:
- Stand straight with your feet at hip distance, and fold forward from your hips. Hold your big toes tightly with your index finger, thumb, and middle finger of each hand.
- Bend your elbows, and firmly plant your feet into the floor, bringing the crown of your head down.
- Relax your neck and head, and breathe deeply while holding this position for a few minutes.
2) Legs up the Wall
This yoga exercise helps you focus on relaxation and prepares your mind for sound sleep. It also helps improve blood circulation throughout the body.
To do this pose:
- Lie down on a mat with your legs against the wall.
- Bring your arms to your sides, and keep your palms facing down.
- Keep your butts close to the wall so that the lower body is up against the wall and torso is straight and stable.
- Stay in this posture for a few minutes, and relax the major muscle groups in the body.
3) Extended Puppy Pose
The extended puppy pose counteracts the impact of long sitting hours and helps circulate fresh blood to the heart.
It relieves tension and opens the shoulders while also stimulating the pituitary gland, which is responsible for controlling the body’s sleep-wake cycle.
To do this pose:
- Start the exercise by rolling forward on all fours and keeping your butts stacked over your knees.
- Move your fingertips forward, and keep your elbows lifted while moving your forehead down and relaxing your chest.
- Massage your forehead from right to left to relieve facial tension, and hold the posture for a few minutes.
4) Supine Spinal Twist
This reclining and inverted pose promotes sleep quality by calming the baroreflex. Baroreflex is a reflex that helps maintain constant blood pressure.
To do this pose:
- Start the pose by lying on your back and bringing your knees towards your chest. Move your arms straight out on your sides, and allow your knees to fall to your left.
- Make sure you stack your right knee on top of your left.
- Move your right shoulder down, and allow gravity to pull both your legs towards the floor.
- Switch sides, and repeat.
5) Standing Forward Fold
This pose is a gentle inversion that activates the parasympathetic nervous system, releases tension, and prepares you for sleep.
To do this pose:
- Stand tall with your feet at a hip distance, and raise your arms up till they meet just above your head.
- Exhale and pull your knees up by engaging your thighs, and slowly bend forward from your waist.
- Stretch your body by breathing deeply, and grab your opposite elbows. Allow your arms to hang beneath your head.
- Stay in this posture for a few minutes, and take ten deep breaths before you come back up to the starting position.
6) Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is another very effective yoga exercise that helps fight insomnia. It stretches the thighs, ankles, and hips and stimulates melatonin, helping you fall asleep.
To do this pose:
- Start the pose by getting into all your fours and bringing your big toes together. Your knees should be hip-distance apart.
- Slowly sit back on your heels, and bring your torso between your thighs. For more comfort, you may place a cushion between your legs to support your upper body.
- Move your arms out in the front; stretch, and stay in this position for a few minutes.
Practicing the aforementioned yoga exercises before bedtime is sure to offer you immediate results and help you get a better night’s sleep. The key, however, is to be consistent in your practice and perform each exercise correctly to make the most out of it.