Staying active and fit right from the first trimester of pregnancy is essential for the healthy development of your baby.
Exercise, particularly prenatal yoga, during the initial stages can be quite helpful in managing the adverse effects of pregnancy. We understand that exercise may be the last thing on your mind, but studies have shown that regular yoga practice during the first trimester can offer some incredible mental and physical health benefits. It can ease morning sickness and nausea, reduce swelling and bloating, alleviate constipation, and most importantly, help you enjoy your pregnancy and the road beyond, happily and positively.
Is yoga safe during the first trimester?
Yes, it is safe and healthy to practice prenatal yoga during the first trimester of pregnancy as long as you practice under a trainer, follow all the precautions and avoid certain poses altogether. It is important that you listen to your body and not push yourself beyond your physical limits.
What yoga poses are safe during the first trimester of pregnancy?
During the first trimester, you must practice yoga poses that help improve your flexibility and release stress while building strength. Poses that are gentle and help you feel more relaxed and grounded may be useful as you proceed through the physical, hormonal, and mental changes of pregnancy.
Some of the best yoga asanas you may try during the first trimester are:
1. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana
Cobra pose stretches your lower back, thereby eliminating back pain, helps improve overall flexibility and releases tension.
- Lie on your belly on a yoga mat with your head facing the floor and your feet positioned at a hip-width distance behind you.
- Keep your elbows close to your chest and position them directly under your shoulders. Move your shoulder blades back and press your pubic bones on the floor as you lift your chest and head off the floor.
- Inhale and relax your shoulders, then exhale to slowly lower yourself back to the floor.
- Hold the pose for 10 seconds or more.
2. Butterfly pose or Baddha Konasana
The butterfly pose in yoga helps loosen tight hip muscles and also boosts blood circulation to the pelvic floor. This pose gently stretches the inner thighs and relieves tension in the area. It is a great hip-opener pose.
- Sit straight on a mat with your legs stretches in the front. Bend your knees to bring the soles of your feet towards one another.
- Relax your thighs and try to keep your heels close to your body. Grab your feet using your hands and gently move your knees up and down.
- Press your legs down using your elbows and hold the pose for as long as comfortable.
3. Legs up the wall or Viparita Karani
Viparita Karani helps relieve lower back pain and promotes relaxation.
- Lie down on a mat near a wall with your chin slightly towards your chest. Slowly lift your legs and support your hips using your hands. Place your legs up the wall and ensure that your legs are at a 90-degree angle.
- Position your hands on your belly, chest or the mat beside you.
- Close your eyes and stay in this position for as long as you can.
4. Cat pose or Marjariasana
The cat pose is a great asana during pregnancy as it safely strengthens the abdominal muscles. It helps release lower back pain and boost flexibility.
- Come onto your knees and palms with your hands positioned at a shoulder-width distance and your knees hip-width apart.
- Inhale and slowly lift your head while arching your spine towards the ground.
- As you exhale, draw your chin towards your chest and arch your spine upward. Continue to do these movements for a few seconds but make sure you don’t strain your back.
5. Tree pose or Vrkasana
The tree pose helps build mental and physical balance while also stretching the spine and easing lower back pain. It's a great relaxing pose in yoga.
- Stand tall with both your feet together and arms on your sides.
- Lift your arms over your head and interlock the fingers. Ensure that your palms are facing upward.
- Slowly stretch your arms, chest and shoulders upward while positioning the sole of your right foot on your left inner thigh. If you are unable to do this, simply place the sole of your feet on your opposite ankle or shin.
- Relax for a few seconds and then slowly lower your feet.
6. Triangle pose or Trikonasana
The triangle pose improves blood circulation throughout the body, helps stretch the hands and legs, and also reduces body pain. It gives you flexible and strong legs to support your body through childbirth.
- Stand on a mat with your feet apart and straighten your arms so they get parallel to the floor.
- Bend and extend on your left side and bring your left hand closer to your left foot. Hold the position for a few seconds and then come back up.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
Bottom line
While the aforementioned prenatal yoga poses are beneficial and safe during the first trimester, there are certain poses that must be avoided completely.
This includes intense twists, backbends, and forward bends, asanas that put pressure on the stomach and that involve powerful engagement of your belly. Some examples: full wheel pose, crow pose, bow pose, upward-facing dog pose, twisted chair pose, handstand pose, half moon pose, etc.