Yoga poses and exercises are the best bet if you suffer from tight hips or are working desk jobs. Due to the prolonged sitting time, tension and tightness can accumulate in your hip region, which might negatively affect your posture and overall health.
Explore these yoga poses to aid hip flexibility
1) Lizard Pose or Utthan Pristhasana
Lizard poses are amongst the best yoga poses that will strengthen your abs and improve your hip flexibility.
How to do this yoga pose?
- Begin this yoga pose with a low lunge before walking your right foot outward at a wide angle.
- Position both your arms on the ground on the inward of your right foot. For a deeper stretch, position your forearms on the ground.
- Hold for a few breaths before releasing and repeating on the alternate side.
2) Hero Pose or Virasana
Hero pose is among the underutilized yoga poses to strengthen your lower body and open your hip and pelvic region.
How to do this yoga pose?
- Begin this exercise in a standard kneeling position with both your thighs angled perpendicular to the ground and your knees positioned together.
- Keep your feet apart wider than your hip distance, and press the top of your feet evenly on the ground.
- Slowly assume a seated position on the mat between your legs with your calves rolled outward and the top of your thighs angled inward. You can use a block for sitting if your hips feel too tight.
- Position your hands on the top of your thighs and breathe.
3) Half Pigeon Pose or Ardha Kapotasana
Half pigeon pose is also among the best yoga poses to ease lower back pain and improve hip flexibility.
How to do this yoga pose?
- Start the half pigeon yoga pose in a standard downward-facing dog before extending your right leg and bringing it under your body to position the leg in front of your body with your shin angled parallel to the mat.
- Straighten your left leg to the back with the top part of your foot positioned on the ground.
- Press your hips to the ground with your right foot to flex and keep your leg close to the body.
- Maintain an upright position of your body and take deep breaths. Gently release and alternate sides.
4) Garland Pose or Malasana
Garland poses are among the most effective yoga poses to build strong legs and open up your hip region.
How to do this yoga pose?
- Start the garland pose in a straight standing position with your feet apart more comprehensively than the shoulder distance and toes angled outwards.
- Keep your torso upright with your feet pressed onto the ground. Bring your body into a deep squatting position by bringing your butt towards the ground and bending your knees.
- Fold your hands together in the prayer position right before your chest.
- Position your elbows between your knees and press them gently with your elbows to keep them wide open. Hold before gently releasing.
5) Half Lord of the Fishes Pose or Ardha Matsyendrasana
Besides increasing hip flexibility, the half lord of the fish is among the best yoga poses that improve your back health.
How to do this yoga pose?
- Start this yoga pose in a seated position on the ground with your legs straightened long in front of your body.
- Step your left foot outwards of your right hip before drawing your right heel to your left hip.
- Stay seated in an elevated position before positioning your left hand on the back of your hips and hooking your right elbow outward to your left thigh.
- Hold before releasing and repeating on the alternate side.
6) Happy Baby Pose or Ananda Balasana
Happy baby tends to be amongst the more accessible yoga poses that will strengthen your gluteal muscles and help in increasing hip flexibility.
How to do this yoga pose?
- Begin lying down position on the ground with your face up, feet pressed onto the ground, and knees bent.
- Raise your feet off the ground and bring them to the air with the soles of your feet pointed to the ceiling.
- Clutch the outer edges of your feet with your palms gently before driving your knees to the ground and bringing the feet closer to your chest.
- Make sure that your back remains pressed onto the ground. Hold before gently releasing.
Bottom Line
The yoga poses above are best to increase hip flexibility and mobility. Regularly practicing them will help relieve tightness in the body and reduce tension.
The yoga poses will strengthen the muscles around your hips and enhance the body's overall fitness.