6 Yoga Poses for Psoas Stretch

A good psoas stretch will keep your iliopsoas muscle loose and flexible (Image via Pexels @ Gustavo Fring)
A good psoas stretch will keep your iliopsoas muscle loose and flexible (Image via Pexels @ Gustavo Fring)

The psoas stretch keeps your iliopsoas muscles flexible and in good shape. What is the significance, you ask? Well, read on to find out.


The psoas muscle is crucially located in the hip region and is essential for numerous bodily functions and movements. Since flexing the hip is one of the primary functions of the psoas, this muscle is utilized not only in athletics but also in everyday life. It is essential for walking, climbing and descending stairs, and even sitting. A good psoas stretch will help keep this muscle loose and flexible, so that it enables all kinds of movements.


Yoga is an effective way to keep your psoas muscle in good shape and is also used by athletes to get that amazing psoas stretch. Below, we will discuss six yoga poses to get a good psoas stretch.

Meanwhile, read more about the psoas muscle, workout techniques, tips and more.

Yoga Poses for Psoas Stretch

Check out the following yoga poses that will give you an excellent psoas stretch.


1) Supta Virasana

The combination of the forward motion of the lower body and the backward motion of the upper body makes this an excellent psoas stretch.


  • Start the reclined hero pose by sitting in Virasana or hero pose.
  • Place your hands alongside your thighs.
  • As you lean your torso back, move your hands towards your rear.
  • Come down onto your forearms while keeping your elbows bent.
  • Attempt to continue releasing your back towards the floor, reaching it if possible. However, attempt this only if you are pain-free.
  • Maintain knees together, and hold for five to ten breaths.
  • To return to a seated position, release by raising onto your forearms, then press into your hands.

2) Warrior I Pose

Warrior I is a somewhat challenging pose for beginners, but it is an effective psoas stretch. As the torso is stretched away from the leg, the psoas is lengthened on the back leg.


  • Beginning in downward-facing dog, lift your right foot and place it inside your right hand.
  • Rotate and place your left heel on the ground with your toes turned 45 degrees outward.
  • While bending your right knee, your right thigh should become parallel to the floor.
  • Raise your arms to the side and upwards while standing.
  • Maintain an open chest while slightly extending your spine (backbend).
  • Consider your thumbs while lowering your shoulder blades.
  • Check your hip alignment to ensure that both of your hips are squared forward.
  • As much as possible, your right thigh should be parallel to the floor.
  • Bring your hands down to the mat and step your right foot back into downward dog position.
  • Before repeating on the opposite side, take a few breaths here or perform a vinyasa.

3) Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

This pose gives you an excellent psoas stretch. If you cannot reach your toes, wrap a strap around your lifted foot to prevent your back from rounding forward and your shoulder from dislocating. You can also keep the lifted leg slightly bent.


  • Begin in Tadasana with a natural posture, pressing into your great toes.
  • Bend the right leg and grasp the big toe with the first two fingers of the right hand.
  • Maintain a neutral spine by pressing the right foot forward and lifting the chest.
  • Forward pelvic tilt to activate the hamstrings while maintaining level hips.
  • Root your standing foot for a few breaths while maintaining this position.
  • Release by releasing the foot, slowly lower the leg to the floor, and repeat on the opposite side.

4) Ustrasana

In the camel pose, the psoas supports the lower spine on each side and is also lengthened by the backbend. To receive the full benefits of this psoas stretch, your thighs must remain perpendicular to the floor.


  • Kneel erect on the floor, with the hips stacked above the knees.
  • Bring your palms to the sides of your rib cage, with your thumbs resting on the back of your ribs and the rest of your fingers wrapping around the sides and fronts of your rib cage.
  • Your elbows should point outwards.
  • Raise your rib cage with your hands and begin to expand your chest toward the ceiling.
  • Maintain this position as you reach your hands back one at a time to grasp your heels, keeping your hips over your knees and forward.
  • If it is comfortable, tilt your head back and open your throat. Otherwise, keep your chin tucked.
  • Relax, tucking the chin to the chest and the hands to the hips.
  • Assume a kneeling position.

5) Navasana

The psoas muscle works on both sides to bring the legs and spine into a V-shape while maintaining a long spine and straight legs. If you begin to lose the V, bend your knees to pull your torso back up for this psoas stretch.


  • Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Raise your feet off the ground while maintaining bent knees.
  • To assume half boat pose, raise your shins parallel to the floor, and avoid arching your back.
  • Bring your legs to a 45-degree angle while maintaining as much torso erectness as possible, forming a V with your torso and legs.
  • Slide your shoulders back while extending your arms parallel to the floor with the palms facing up.
  • Try to maintain your balance on your sit bones or slightly behind them while lifting your chest for stability.
  • Maintain this pose for at least five breaths.
  • Inhale to sit up and exhale to release your legs.

6) Vrikshasana

This fundamental standing balance pose is an efficient psoas stretch. It strengthens and stretches your entire posterior chain of muscles.


  • Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with your hands in Anjali mudra at the center of your chest.
  • Plant your feet firmly on the ground and distribute your weight evenly across all four corners of each foot.
  • Transfer your body weight to your right foot and lift your left foot off the ground.
  • Maintain your right leg in a straight position with a slight knee bend.
  • Bend your left knee and place the bottom of your left foot on your right inner thigh.
  • To provide stability while squaring your hips, press your foot into your thigh and vice versa.
  • For balance, fix your gaze (drishti) on a stable object or point.
  • Take five to ten breaths before lowering your left foot to the ground and repeating on the opposite side.


The aforementioned yoga poses can give you an amazing psoas stretch that will help you keep your iliopsoas muscle in good shape. This will maintain your range of motion and flexibility in many daily activities, making life easier for you. You can also check some effective iliopsoas stretches for good posture.

Edited by Susrita Das
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