The discomfort caused by muscle cramps can frequently prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. Cramps can be brought on by many things, such as the tearing of a ligament when you lift something heavy, if you move too quickly and pull a muscle, or if you fall down suddenly.
Muscle cramps and soreness can also be caused by daily wear and tear, which is an unavoidable cause. However, certain yoga poses have been shown to be effective in relieving muscle cramps. Yoga is known to relieve muscle tension and increase flexibility and range of motion, keeping you safe from injury.
In this article, we will discuss a few generic yoga poses you can perform to relieve muscle cramps. Meanwhile, check out these gentle yoga poses to try for chronic pain.
Cat Cow Pose and Other Yoga Poses for Muscle Cramps
Check out the following six yoga poses that can help relieve most major muscle cramps:
1) Cat Cow Pose
This gentle yoga asana helps awaken the muscles surrounding the spinal column. It increases blood flow to the area and stretches the entire torso, from the neck to the abdominals. It can help ease muscle cramps in the back and torso as well.
- Begin in the table pose on your hands and knees, keeping a neutral spine.
- As you inhale and assume the cow posture, lift your sit bones higher, thrust your chest forward, and allow your stomach to sink.
- Raise your head, relax your shoulders away from your ears, and look directly in front of you.
- Exhaling, assume the cat posture by extending your spine, tucking your tailbone, and pulling your pubic bone forward.
- Don't force your chin to your chest when you lower your head towards the ground. Importantly, simply relax.
2) Revolved Triangle Pose
This yoga pose stretches and opens the hips, groins, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and spine while strengthening the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest. It's one of the best full body exercises to relieve muscle cramps.
- Maintain a straight posture. Your feet should be around 3-4 feet apart.
- Turn your right foot 90 degrees outward and left foot 15 degrees inward. Align the middle of your right heel with the middle of your left foot's arch.
- Deeply inhale, and, as you exhale, bend your body to the right, bending downward from the hips while maintaining a straight waist, raising your left hand into the air, and bringing your right hand towards the floor. Maintain your arms in a straight line.
- Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot.
- Aligned with the top of your shoulders, reach your left arm up towards the ceiling. Maintain a neutral head position.
- As you inhale, rise to your feet; lower your arms to your sides, and straighten your arms.
- Repeat on the other side.
3) Nikunjasana
This posture has a highly cooling impact and is especially beneficial for period cramps and muscle cramps of the torso.
It reduces pressure from the uterus and calms you down due to the proximity of the heart with the ground. It also reduces strain on the lower back and uterus, as well as the shoulders.
- As mentioned before, assume a tabletop position on all fours.
- Bend the elbows, and lower the chest to the ground; swivel your head to one side. Hold the position for anywhere between 6-9 breaths.
- Turn your head to the opposite side, and hold for 6-9 more deep breaths.
- Slowly rise, and remain seated in the Vajrasana for a few breaths.
4) Ardha Salabhasana
Regular practice of this exercise can boost spine health, expand the shoulders, enhance digestion, increase blood circulation, and decrease excess fat in the thighs, hips, and buttocks. This pose can also help reduce muscle cramps, lower back, and knee discomfort.
- Beginning in a prone position, cross your arms in front of you.
- Allow your forehead to rest on your forearm, and extend your legs behind you.
- Pull the abdomen in tight, and lift one leg as high as is comfortable.
- Avoid leaning the body to one side while lifting the leg.
- Slowly, without employing speed or momentum, perform the task.
- Hold for 3-5 breaths, and change sides. Repeat 5-10 times.
5) Downward Facing Dog Pose
This is one of the most effective yoga poses for stretching the entire back. It nicely stretches the hamstrings and calves, lengthens the spine, and strengthens the shoulders and arms. This position can reduce leg muscle tension and prevent muscle cramps.
- Get on all fours position. Create a table by using your back as the top and your hands and feet as the legs.
- Exhaling, elevate your hips; straighten your knees and elbows, and bring your body in an inverted 'V' position.
- Your hands should be shoulder-width apart, and feet should be parallel and hip-width apart. Maintain your toes pointed forward.
- Place your hands firmly on the floor. Spread your shoulder blades apart, and maintain a long neck by touching your inner arms to your ears.
- While maintaining the pose, inhale deeply. Take note of your navel.
- Exhale. Return to a table position by bending the knees. Relax.
6) Lizard Pose
This is an excellent full body stretch that opens up the hips and relieves the hamstrings, groins, and hip flexors. The inner thigh muscles are strengthened, while the chest, shoulders, and neck are relieved. This exercise can help relieve muscle cramps in various body parts.
- Begin by assuming the downward dog pose.
- As you inhale, move your right foot forward to the outside edge of your right palm, assuming a lunge position.
- While maintaining your arms in a straight line and spine in a flat, extended position, stiffen your hips.
- If it's comfortable, slowly lower yourself onto your forearms.
- As you extend your left leg, press against the ball of your left foot.
- Remain for 30 seconds, and repeat on the opposite side.
Muscle cramps are inevitable, and everyone suffers from them some time or the other. They can be brought on by both too much or too little exercise.
Yoga exercises can keep your muscles flexible and loose enough to avoid injury and pain. Yoga is helpful for many kinds of chronic pain too. Check out these simple yoga poses to ease joint and back pain.