If you want a bigger build and wider back, perform your favourite workout with cable exercises.
From enhancing your posture and helping you become leaner and more defined, to increasing the size of your deadlift, performing cable exercises for a strong back is one of the most important components that should be included in any bodybuilding routine.
However, building a strong back can be difficult. That's because many people aren't aware of how they can specifically target their muscles with compound exercises while also working on their entire body.
Best Cable Exercises for Women to Get Stronger Chest
Here are seven best cable exercises for women to get a stronger chest:
1) Cable Lat Pulldown

The lat pulldown is one of the most common cable back workouts, and it's a great way to strengthen and bulk up your lats.
This cable exercise may not be as successful in terms of muscle building as pullups, but you can easily adjust the weight and grip placement to isolate specific parts of the back. The lat pulldown is an excellent exercise, as it keeps the muscles in constant tension.
To do a lat pulldown:
- Sit on the bench with the thigh pad over your knees after attaching the lat pulldown bar.
- With both hands, grab the bar with an overhand hold somewhat wider than shoulder width.
- Start with your arms completely stretched out and your head back and chest high.
- Pull the bar down to your chest while pressing your shoulder blades together; hold for a few seconds at the bottom.
- Return to the starting position slowly.
2) Seated Cable Row

A basic cable exercise for a strong, wide back is the seated cable row. It slams into your trapezius, the muscle that gives your back its width and thickness, indicating strength and power.
To do this exercise:
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together to begin the movement.
- Row, and bring the bar to your chest after each repetition.
- You'll put extra stress on your lower back if you cheat by bending backward.
- Use a wide grasp to target your back muscles and a narrow grip to target your arms.
3) Single-arm cable row

Single-arm cable rows strengthen each side of your body separately, correcting any strength imbalances, activating your stabilisers to avoid injuries and increasing core work.
To do a single-arm cable row:
- For your chest, adjust the height of the cable handle.
- While gripping the handle, take a step back, and face the cable.
- Pull your shoulder blades towards your midline, and row without turning your torso, to begin the activity.
- Once you've done all your reps, switch sides.
- For a new stability test, take a split stance with one foot about three feet ahead of the other, and grasp the handle with the trailing leg.
4) Cable Lat Pulldown V Bar
A neutral grip is used in this lat pulldown variation, which allows for a wide range of motion. When compared to traditional lat pulldowns, you should be able to lift a higher weight with this exercise. With this cable exercise, you should be able to put on a lot of muscle.
To do this exercise:
- Set up the V bar attachment, and take a seat with your knees under the knee pads.
- Using a neutral grip, reach up, and grab the V bar with both hands.
- Pull down, keeping your chest up till your elbows are close to your sides and your hands are just above your chest, starting with your arms fully extended.
- Return to the starting position slowly.
- Perform the desired number of reps.
5) Cable Squat Row

This compound cable exercise is excellent for increasing muscular mass while also burning calories. It's both a squat and a row, so you'll target the largest muscles in both your upper and lower body in the same exercise. Using the cable row, you can get a great workout in a short amount of time.
To do a cable squat row:
- Set up a cable with a rope attachment at a height just below hip height.
- Get into a squat position with your arms completely extended and a neutral hold on the rope.
- Stand up, and draw the rope back till your hands reach your sides, keeping your weight in your heels in one motion.
- Slowly lower yourself back into a squat position while straightening your arms.
6) Cable Shrug
The cable shrug is an effective upper back cable exercise for targeting the trapezius muscle. You can isolate the traps to increase muscular activation and growth.
To do a cable shrug:
- Connect the cable to the ground with a rope or bar.
- Stand back till your traps are stretched, and grab the rope with a neutral grip.
- Maintain a straight posture while relaxing your shoulders.
- Shrug your shoulders up and back as high as you can; hold and compress your traps for a few seconds at the top.
- Return your arms to their starting position slowly.
7) Bent-over Single arm cable pull
This cable exercise is an excellent workout for developing unilateral strength and obtaining a deep stretch at the same time. This cable row exercise will put your core to the test, as it's a unilateral back exercise that requires core activation to maintain perfect form.
To do this exercise:
- Place the stirrup at waist level.
- With an overhand grasp on the stirrup, take a staggered stance.
- Stand back from the cable, and tilt forward till your torso is parallel to the ground and your arm is stretched out in front of you.
- Pull your elbow back, and rotate your wrist till you have an underhand grip while remaining close to your side.
Cable exercises for chest are the best way to work your chest muscles and train them for the movements you do daily. While no one exercise works for each of the different muscle groups, when you combine them together, you can build muscle, getting fit and healthy.