You’re probably wondering why stretching is important if you have IT band syndrome. Well, stretch your muscles to help prevent further injury from tight muscles and swelling.
It not only eases pain but also promotes recovery and helps build muscle strength, which will help decrease the symptoms of IT band syndrome.
Effective Stretching Exercises for IT Band Pain
There are several stretching exercises you can do. It's a common problem among runners and other athletes and can be pretty serious if not treated properly. Here are seven very effective stretches you should do if you have IT band pain:
1) Abductor Stretch
As your IT band connects your outer thighs to your knees and glutes, pain is common there if it's overused.
To perform this stretch:
- With your knees bent and your feet pressed together on the floor in front of you, take a seat on a towel or workout mat.
- For balance, put your hands on the ground behind you.
- With your legs relaxed and slightly raised off the floor, sit up straight, pushing your pelvis forward and leaning into your hands.
- For a deep stretch, you can also grab your feet, and bend over your legs.
2) Seated Stretch
Here's a quick stretch for your IT band you can perform while seated on the ground. Make sure to maintain a straight back, and avoid letting it curve. If necessary, put your hand on a block. Your spine and glutes will benefit greatly from this stretch.
To do this stretch:
- Cross one leg over the other while seated on the ground.
- Pull your bent knee slowly inward so that the inside of the joint is close to your body.
- Swing your upper body slowly, and cross your upper arm over your bent knee.
- You can gently press down on your thigh in this position to feel a stretch around the outside of your hip and glutes (butt muscles).
3) Crossover Squat Stretch
A somewhat more difficult stretch that targets both the glutes and the IT band, the crossover squat stretch will challange your balance.
To perform this move:
- In a pretty wide stance, cross the left leg over the right leg.
- Slowly stoop down while bending your knees.
- Allow your right heel to slightly rise while keeping your weight centered over your left leg.
- Lift your arms high and your hands high in front of you. Your right leg's IT band should feel stretched near the hip and thigh.
4) Standing IT Band Stretch
Knee discomfort that extends from the outer (lateral) knee to the lower thigh is frequently brought on by IT band pain. This stretching routine should lessen IT band discomfort.
To do this move:
- Cross your right leg over your left leg as you stand.
- With your left arm raised in the air, stretch your right arm to your side as depicted in the video above.
- Your right hand should be on your hip.
- You will feel a tiny stretch along the left side of your torso as a result of softly pushing on your right hip to move your hips to the left.
- Stretch till you feel a full stretch in your outer torso, hip, upper thigh and left knee.
5) Side Lying Leg Raises
This exercise strengthens your glutes, hip abductors and core, which helps with stability. Bend your bottom leg to provide greater support. Use a resistance band around your ankles for a challenge.
Here's how you do it:
- Your left hip should be squarely over right hip as you are lying on your right side.
- By placing your left hand firmly into the ground for support, maintain a straight body position.
- To support your head, reach out with your right arm or a cushion.
- Place your foot so that your heel is just above the toes.
- Raise your left leg gradually.
- Take a two to five second break.
- Return to the starting position gradually.
6) Cow Face Pose
This yoga position increases flexibility and mobility by releasing deep stiffness in your thighs, hips and glutes. Additionally, it extends your ankles and knees.
Start as follows:
- Putting your left knee in the middle of your body by bending it.
- Bring your left foot up to around hip height.
- Stacking your knees, cross the right one over the left.
- Your left hip should be on the outside of your right heel and ankle.
- Hold this position for up to a minute.
7) Seated Spinal Twist
Your spine, hips and outer thighs will feel less tight after performing this stretch. It will open out your shoulders and chest, enhancing stability and posture.
To do the seated spinal twist:
- Bend your left leg, and place your foot on the outside of your right hip while seated on the floor.
- Place your right foot outside of your left thigh on the floor with your right leg bent.
- As you turn your lower body to the right, exhale.
- While bending your hips, place your left fingertips on the ground.
- Either lay your elbow outside of your knee with your palm facing front, or wrap it around your knee.
Bottom Line
Many people stretch the IT Band, but not many people do it correctly and in a way that can help heal their injuries. The seven exercises outlined above are meant to help heal both chronic (long term) and acute (temporary) IT Band issues.