8 best foods for Monday Blues

Foods to beat Monday blues(Image by Brooke Lark/Unsplash)
Foods to beat Monday blues(Image by Brooke Lark/Unsplash)

Mondays can be stressful for every individual and beating Monday blues becomes quite important. Starting the week in the right way, whether you are an employee, a student, or an athlete is very necessary as we sow the seeds for the rest of the days on Monday. Hence beating Monday blues after a lazy and fun-filled weekend, having consumed a lot of junk in the form of carbs and fats, is very important.

Getting back on track and finding the right diet is one of the essentials on a Monday. Selecting the proper food and nutrition is equally important as it is directly linked to our health and our mood. Eating healthy and living healthy is what will help us proceed in having a productive week as mental health and physical health are directly related to the food we select.

So before we get to know what the eight best foods are to beat Monday blues and monotony, grab a snack and settle.

8 types of Foods to add to your diet to beat Monday Blues

The list below mentions the 8 types of food that will help you to beat Monday blues and boost your mood and get more energy to proceed for different activities of the week.

#1 Lentils and beans

Lentils and Beans Salad(Image by Archer Allstars/Unsplash)
Lentils and Beans Salad(Image by Archer Allstars/Unsplash)

Being rich in fiber and packed with good nutrients, they serve as the perfect natural protein source. Protein is an essential part of every diet and even helps us to gain muscle and lose excess fat.

Lentils and beans are also rich in vitamin B, which increases levels of serotonin and dopamine. These hormones are directly linked to regulating and boosting our moods. We can have beans and lentils in a salad or as a fully cooked meal, to make the greens in our diet more enjoyable, not for one day a week but every day.

#2 Eggs

Sunny side up (Image by Coffeefy Workafe/Unsplash)
Sunny side up (Image by Coffeefy Workafe/Unsplash)

Eggs are a rich source of protein. Having them every day in moderation is a great thing, as they are also rich in Vitamin D, amino acids, minerals, etc. Vitamin D again contributes to mood regulation, which is very important for the body and the mind. Eggs can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet in many ways.

There are so many recipes developed over the years and also on the net, the most popular being scrambled and boiled eggs. They are also an essential part of the English breakfast because of their high protein content and other nutritional values.

#3 Green Tea

Green tea in a pot (Image by Na Visky/Unsplash)
Green tea in a pot (Image by Na Visky/Unsplash)

Green tea is a healthy alternative to coffee as it won’t give you caffeine jitters and will leave you feeling refreshed and energized thanks to flavonoids that support brain health. Flavonoids help protect your nervous system and improve cognitive functions such as memory and learning.

A hot cup of green tea will also make you feel relaxed and warm, making you feel refreshed and reducing stress.

#4 Oats

Bowl of oatmeal with dry fruits(Image by Daria Nepriakhina/Unsplash)
Bowl of oatmeal with dry fruits(Image by Daria Nepriakhina/Unsplash)

Having oatmeal on a Monday, to beat Monday blues can be very beneficial as oats help in gut health improvement. They also lower the amount of cholesterol in the body and aid in weight management.

Oats contain antioxidants, which help the body to fight free radicals. Oats also help in keeping the blood pressure in check. Those who fancy oatmeal can have it with milk or yogurt to make it even healthier.

#5 Fruits

Fruit Salad(image by Brenda Godinez/Unsplash)
Fruit Salad(image by Brenda Godinez/Unsplash)

Fruits contain natural sugars and can give instant energy. Choosing the right fruit can help beat Monday blues quite easily. As the old saying goes "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", fruits are important, and they keep blood sugar levels steady.

#6 Dark chocolate

Dark Chocolates(Image by Serghei Savchiuc/Unsplash)
Dark Chocolates(Image by Serghei Savchiuc/Unsplash)

Having dark chocolate in moderation can be good for the body and the mind, as it contains a natural stimulant called theobromine, which gives us more energy and lifts our mood. Dark chocolate can be consumed as a dessert or a snack and is a better alternative than coffee.

#7 Lemonade

Lemonade Glass(image by Zhenzhong/Unsplash)
Lemonade Glass(image by Zhenzhong/Unsplash)

Lemonade is a very popular drink around the globe. Having Lemonade is good for the body. It helps us to stay cool on summer days. Lemonade is also rich in vitamin C and minerals. The vitamins in lemon juice have anti-cancer properties. Lemonade is very easy to make and can be made anytime and anywhere.

#8 Nuts

Varieties of nuts(image by Maddi Bazzocco/Unsplash)
Varieties of nuts(image by Maddi Bazzocco/Unsplash)

Having a handful of nuts, whether to beat Monday blues or every day, can decrease the risk of blood clots and even improve gut health. This will help to lower blood pressure and reduce the chance of heart attacks and even strokes.

Nuts have a high-calorie content and therefore have to be consumed in moderation. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, and walnuts are the most common and healthy nuts to be consumed.

Other than selecting the proper food to beat Monday blues, proper sleep over the weekend, proper exercise, organizing the tasks ahead, and not over-scheduling activities and meetings are also necessary. Food is an essential part of beating the Blues but so are the other factors. Combining both can help beat Monday blues very easily.

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