If you're struggling to quit smoking, remember that the urge to light up the cigarette will probably fade in 5 to 10 minutes. The biggest avoidable cause of death worldwide is smoking, which should be reason enough for you to run far away from it.
You're likely aware of the health perks of quitting if you smoke, though nicotine's strong allure might give you pause. However, quitting smoking helps you achieve a longer, more comfortable life that you can spend doing the things you love.
Even at the age of 80, the benefits of stopping are substantial, so if you're finding an excuse to not stop, there aren't any.
8 simple ways to quit smoking
1) Cleanse
Remove all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, and other smoking-related items from your home. To get rid of the odour of smoke, wash your clothing and scrub your car.
If smoking was your means of unwinding or rewarding yourself, find alternatives. For example, go for a brief stroll, buy a magazine, or have a cup of tea rather than a cigarette.

2) Plan out cravings
Make a list of "craving busters," or tasks that you can do fast to satisfy your desire to smoke.
Here are a few examples: Take a walk, drink some water, do a crossword problem, eat some fruit, or call a buddy.

3) Habit modification
Not only must you consider your nicotine addiction, but you must also alter your routines that contribute to grabbing that cigarette.
If you smoke with your cup of coffee in the morning or during your lunchtime work break, reconsider what you do during those times.
You can replace the smoking ritual with something else. Perhaps it's having a cookie in the early hours.

4) Keep finding reasons to quit
It is often simpler to remain committed to a challenging objective if you surround yourself with constant reminders of the benefits of success.
For example, you could make an extensive list of compelling reasons that you want to quit smoking and get ahead of your nicotine addiction put it up in the kitchen or near your mirror.
There are numerous reasons why you would be happier without cigarettes in your daily routine, ranging from improved health to looking and feeling younger.

5) Give your hands something to do
Quitting smoking can make you restless. Hands that might once be entertained by grabbing a cigarette are now left with nothing to do.
Instead, find another thing to hold. Perhaps you spend your weekends completing a game or puzzle. Maybe you'll bring a firm rubber ball to work and squeeze it.
If you've ever considered taking up a hobby such as knitting or woodworking, right now is the time. Take a lesson and see wherever your imagination may take you.

6) Nicotine replacement therapy
You may have heard that you can't use NRT and smoke at the same time. While this is correct, a brief slip does not require you to discontinue NRT. Maintain your use of nicotine gum or another kind of NRT. It might help you avoid smoking the next cigarette.
Maintain a sense of perspective. If you light a cigarette, consider it a one-time blunder. A blunder does not imply failure. You still have the option of quitting for good.

7) Learn from past mistakes
Most smokers have attempted to give up before, and contemplating previous attempts can be discouraging. These experiences, however, teach us a lot regarding what to do as well as what not to do next time.
These experiences are stepping stones to future achievement. Consider what has performed for you in the past, what hasn't, and what one might do better this time.

8) Seek social support
Surrounding yourself with individuals to lean on during what will undoubtedly be a challenging moment will help you not only succeed but also stay motivated.
When you feel like giving up, these folks can help you stay going. You might even inspire another friend or relative to stop smoking, and then we can embark on this journey together.

You may make mistakes as you learn how to survive without cigarettes once you quit smoking. A slip is not the same as a complete relapse.
A slip happens when you inhale a couple of cigarettes but then stop smoking. After a slip, you may get back on the right path by responding quickly.