There are many tips to stop picking nails if the habit is getting out of your hand. Nail biting is a relatively frequent practice that usually begins in childhood and may last until maturity. According to psychologists, the three most common causes of nail biting are stress, worry, and boredom.
Most nail-biters claim that their nail-biting is an unconscious activity, meaning that it is driven by the subconscious while their conscious mind typically remains oblivious to it.
Nail-biting happens to be among the most common "nervous habits" that parents are concerned about. Common nervous habits range from hair-twisting to nose-picking, sucking on the thumb, lip-biting, and picking at the cuticles or skin.
It's almost instinctive, like pushing stray strands of hair behind the ear or rubbing an irritating mosquito bite. Many times, you are completely unaware that you are doing it.
Tips to stop picking nails for good
1) Trim your nails
If your nails grow too long, they may become enticing focuses for your chompers. Keep your nails short so there's less to nibble on.
Furthermore, it will assist you in replacing a disliked habit with a preferred one. Keeping the nails clean and organizing totes qualifies as self-care, and we're here to help.

2) Seek therapy
Oftentimes, the explanation for the routine is psychological (such as fear or anxiety).
Tackling the issue can help children who have psychological disorders. Seek counseling if necessary.

3) Try acrylic nails
Having those stylish acrylic nails might help you limit your nail-biting habit, as they'll look prettier than usual, which might act as a psychological barrier.
Acrylic nails might also make it physically impossible to pick on your nails, as some of those shapes might hurt your mouth.

4) Choose a finger
If one of your nails appears to be worse off than the others, you might consider starting with that one. If all of the nails appear to be the same, you may choose any nail.
If you consider it difficult to quit the habit immediately, working on a single nail at a time can help by allowing you to gradually create better habits rather than expecting excessively of yourself all at once.

5) Practice mindfulness
A brilliant method to remind yourself to refrain from biting is to place sticky notes in places you usually look at—such as a mirror, computer screen, or another prominent spot—to act as constant reminders.
Any type of mindfulness activity conducted regularly throughout the day can help reduce stress levels.

6) Find a replacement
When you find your children gnawing their nails, suggest an alternative. Healthy eating can be a viable alternative.
You can also assist them in participating in any sort of outdoor or indoor activity that will keep their hands busy with other enjoyable activities.

7) Physical barrier
Attempting to quit picking just via willpower is not a healthy strategy, and you will only set yourself up for disappointment.
However, there are also very practical actions you can take to help mend damaged tissue and disrupt the pattern, such as putting a bandage on the cuticles you frequently pick.

8) Find social support
All you've got to do is notify your friends, family, or flatmate to stop you if they see you with the nails in your mouth.
Being reminded (or nagged) about a topic multiple times may irritate you at first, but it ultimately helps you stop nail chewing.

Nail biting is a widespread practice that is often caused by stress. It's generally thought to be harmless if done only occasionally.
However, long-term or persistent nail biting can result in symptoms such as irritated gums, weakened nails, and infections in the mouth.
Just remember that habits do not build overnight. So, be consistent with yourself and never give up. It may take some time, but you will finally find the ideal solution for your individual situation.