#7 Barbell Push Press
The barbell push press version combines a heavy overhead action for an effective mass-gain focused shoulder workout. This powerhouse exercise targets the anterior and middle deltoids.
Step 1: Set your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell at shoulder height with an overhead grip, palms up and the elbows pointing forward.
Step 2: Now bend your knees slightly and lower your hips in a semi-squat position.
Step 3: Push up with your legs to extend your arms and lift the bar above your head to form a full elbow extension. Hold in that position briefly and then lower the bar back to the starting position.
Important Tips: Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps each. At the top of the press make sure that your elbows are locked out and drive hips upward to perform the lift explosively.
Next Up: Plank Ups