When it comes to beach walking and the benefits of an active lifestyle, fitness experts agree that there are few things more worthwhile than a brisk walk on the sand. From mood enhancement to improved circulation and digestion, walking on the beach provides a multitude of excellent health benefits.
8 Tips to Make Your Beach Walking Better
G oing for a walk on the beach doesn't require a goal or a specific destination. Your walk can be as long or as short as you like and it can go anywhere. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your walk.
1) Start on a firm surface

Before you trek to the beach, begin with a few minutes on a boardwalk or concrete promenade. Stretch your muscles and warm up your feet by walking on the hard-packed sand. This will help prevent ankle injuries while walking through the softer sand.
2) Wear the right footwear for your walk

Plan to wear athletic shoes if you'll be walking for longer than 20 minutes and plan to wear sandals if you'll be swimming in water shallow enough (less than 3 feet deep) to allow you to wade into the water without getting your feet wet.
3) Try walking barefoot

If you're walking barefoot on a sandy beach, your muscles and feet might hurt after a while as you extend your range of motion further than normal. Plantar fasciitis is a painful inflammation of the fibrous tissue on the sole of your foot. If you're going to walk barefoot for longer distances, it's best to wear proper footwear to cushion your steps.
4) Walk on soft sand

Walking through soft sand, whether in shoes or barefoot, provides a more intense workout than walking on packed sand or even a solid surface. Imagine it like a hill climb.
5) Adjust your slope

On a slope, you'll find that if you walk a certain distance in one direction, your uphill foot will be in front of your downhill foot. Going up and down the hill can become tiresome and may lead to strain and injury.
Plan your walk such that you walk a quarter of the distance one way, then turn around and walk back to your starting place before continuing in the opposite direction. This can also reduce the consequences of the slope's inconsistency.
6) Protect yourself from the sun

There's no shade on a beach walk, so you'll want to wear sunscreen. Even on a cloudy or foggy day, there's enough UV exposure to get a sunburn. Don't forget to apply lip balm to protect your lips as well as the wind. Wear a Buff or a walking cap that won't blow away.
7) Keep yourself hydrated

It's a good idea to get in the habit of carrying a water bottle and drinking often when you're out walking. In hot weather, you could get dehydrated if you don't take frequent sips. Bottles are also handy so that you can refill along your route.
8) Keep an eye on the tides

It's crucial to know if the tide is coming in or going out before going on any walk longer than 30 minutes. When the tide comes in, an apparently large and welcome beach might become a little sliver of sand.
With a rising tide, small streams that you might simply step across before could turn into deep waterways. If you traversed a rocky protrusion near the water, your path may be barred after you turn around and return.
Benefits of Walking on the Beach
Walking on the beach provides a great opportunity to engage in exercise while enjoying a relaxing stroll. Your muscles and tendons will work harder because of the sand, strengthening your foot and ankle. Beaches are a good place to walk for those with pain in their knees, back, and hips, as sand puts less stress on the body.
Other benefits of sand training include:
Exfoliation: The rough particles on the beach will remove dead skin and leave your feet feeling softer.
Strength training: The increased resistance can strengthen the muscles between your feet and back, especially your calves, quadriceps, and glutes.
Weight loss: Walking barefoot on the beach can help you lose more weight. A study published in 2020 found that walking on sand led to a greater reduction in waist circumference than walking on pavement — 5.3 cm versus 3 cm, respectively.
Beach walking is worth a try if you’re up for improving your health and overall wellness. It’s low-impact, and it’s freeing for those who have a tendency to feel trapped and closed in when working out on a treadmill.
For many people, it’s simply fun to be out on the beach in the sun; this is just an added benefit of being there. The key takeaway here should be that beach walking is both enjoyable for recreational reasons, as well as useful for fitness purposes.