Exercise #8
Forearm Side Plank

Step 1: Begin by taking the plank position as mentioned in exercise #3.
Step 2: After this, squeeze your core and take your right arm straight into the air, facing your body to the right side and resting your right foot on the left foot.
Step 3: Lift your body from your waist and hold the position for 30 seconds. Do it 6 times on each side. Again, it might seem difficult in the beginning, but with time, your core and arm strength will develop.
In case your body gets used to these exercises, you can incorporate some variety by trying out exercises like the plank to dolphin, plank top, flutter kicks, leg rotation, circle crunch etc.
However, as I repeatedly say, overdoing things defeats the purpose of these perfectly planned workouts. Also, your diet plan should complement your workout efforts, not render them useless.