Abs exercises are ideal for those who want to develop shredded six-pack abs along with building a strong core. A strong core and abdominal muscles serve as the foundation for the entire body, promoting good posture, lowering the risk of back injuries, increasing strength, mobility, and range of motion, and improving sports performance, among other benefits.
Because of the numerous benefits, everyone, whether a regular gym goer or a beginner, should include ab exercises in their workout routines.
We have carefully curated a list of the six best and most effective abs exercises that tend to be ideal for beginners. Lets have a look at them!
Hanging Knee Raises and 5 Other Effective Abs Exercises for Beginners
1) Hollow Body Holds
The hollow body hold is one of the most excellent and effective ab exercises for toning your abdominal muscles by keeping them under constant tension. This exercise will help to significantly improve back health and lower the risk of injuries.
How to do it?
- Start off by lying on the ground with an upright back, legs outstretched, and hands stretched over your head.
- With an engaged core, simultaneously raise both your hands and legs off the ground while keeping them straight.
- Hold for a few moments before slowly releasing.
2) Leg Raises
Leg raises are also some of the best ab exercises that will particularly target your lower abdominals. This exercise will help tone and strengthen your leg muscles while also reducing belly fat by burning a significant amount of calories.
How to do it?
- Start off by lying on the ground with an upright back, legs outstretched in the front, and hands on the respective side of the body.
- While keeping your legs completely straight, raise your legs off the ground until they are vertical at your hip height.
- With control, lower your legs back to the floor and repeat.
3) Flutter Kicks
Flutter kicks are versatile abs exercises that burn your belly fat and strengthen your core muscles. Apart from activating your hip-flexor muscles, lower-back muscles, and quads, while targeting your lower abdominal muscles, this exercise will also strengthen and tone your thighs.
How to do it?
- Start off by lying on the ground with your back flat and hands on the respective sides.
- Raise your legs off the ground a few inches while keeping them straight, and start moving them in up and down kicking motion without fully bringing them to the ground.
- Repeat.
4) Hanging Knee Raises
Hanging knee raises will help target several muscle groups in your body at once, including the abdominals, shoulders, and back. This exercise will help to build significant stability and strength in the body.
How to do it?
- Start off by hanging yourself on the pull-up bar with an over-the-hand grip and palm facing the front.
- With engaged abdominals, lift your knees to your chest before lowering them slowly to the initial position.
- Repeat.
5) Abs Rollout
This exercise is one of the most popular and effective abs exercises that beginners can ideally incorporate into their workout routine to strengthen and tone their core muscles. The abs rollout will also effectively stretch your back muscles and improve your spine health.
How to do it?
- Start off in a high kneeling position with a barbell or abs roller machine in the front.
- Grasp the machine with both your hands apart at shoulder distance and slowly start rolling the machine away from your body.
- Make sure to keep your back erect throughout the movement.
- Slowly and with control, bring the roller back to the initial position. Repeat.
6) Reverse Crunches
Reverse crunches are amongst some of the most fantastic and dynamic ab exercises that can be included in the workout regime of beginners. This crunch variation will help with overall abdominal muscle strengthening and will improve body posture.
How to do it?
- Start off by lying on the ground with a flat back and hands on the respective sides of the body.
- Raise your legs off the ground with knees bent in a manner where your knees are stacked over your hips bent at ninety degrees.
- With an engaged abs, lift your hips off the ground by bringing your knees towards the chest.
- Next, lower both your legs to the initial position. Repeat.
Bottom Line
The aforementioned abs exercises are some of the best and ideal for beginners because they provide a variety of benefits such as increased flexibility, toned body, stronger muscles, defined muscle mass, and more.
Beginners who perform these abs exercises on a regular basis will develop the strength needed to perform more advanced and compound exercises.
Not only will these abs exercises help beginners get defined abs, they will also help in building a strong foundation and fitness for the overall body.