Getting rid of that stubborn water weight is not easy. Seeing your weight fluctuate every morning, even if you are on a strict diet, can be quite frustrating. A bloated stomach, less energy, and stiff joints can affect your mood and the way you feel.
The good news is that by making a few lifestyle changes and by incorporating a few things into your everyday routine, you can easily get rid of that extra pound of weight. But before diving into how you could do so, let’s know more about water weight and what exactly it is.
What is water weight?
We all know that 60 percent of the human body consists of water, and most of the water is stored in the cells. You start to gain water weight when the fluid gets collected in the tissues, which leads to swelling and bloating.
Furthermore, instead of removing that extra water by urination, your body starts storing them between your organs and skin. And this is how you get those extra pesky fats.
How do you gain water weight?
Here are some of the major causes of water weight:
1) Eating too much salt or carbs
A very common cause of water weight is excessive salt and carb intake. Sodium or salt binds with the water and holds it for long in the body. Thus, the higher your salt intake, the higher your chance of water weight gain in the body. Carbs, on the other hand, also function in the same way and have an impact on water retention.

2) Cortisol level
The stress hormone, cortisol, is also a major reason behind water weight. Cortisol is responsible for balancing your sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and stabilizing metabolism in your body. So when the cortisol level increases, it causes water retention and makes you feel bloated.

3) Menstruation
A common cause of water weight among women is menstruation. It happens due to fluctuating hormones and leads to bloating and breast tenderness. But the good thing is that all these issues go away once the period is over.
4) Medication
Medications might also be a reason why one suffers from water weight. Various anti-inflammatory medicines such as medicines for high blood pressure, corticosteroids, and calcium channel blockers might lead to water weight gain.
Besides these, hormonal birth control pills can also cause water gain as the progestin and estrogen present in the pills can sometimes lead to fluctuations in the weight. So, if you think your medicines are making you bloat, then consult your doctor and ask for alternatives.

5) Travel
Sitting for too long on road trips and long flights can also cause water weight. This is because your muscles contract from sitting, and your legs and feet swell up as the water gets stored there.

How to lose water weight?
Here are a few things you can do to lose water weight and avoid water retention:
1) Stay hydrated and drink more water
You might wonder how this is possible, but it’s true. Drinking more water can help you flush out that extra water gain in your body. When you don’t drink enough water, your body holds on to whatever water it already has and makes you feel bloated.
Drinking more water helps to flush out that extra fluid stored by your body. Besides this, it might also be helpful to limit your intake of alcohol, coffee and tea as all of these can be dehydrating.

2) Avoid packaged and processed foods
Most of our salt intake is usually due to packaged and processed foods as they have more sodium for a longer shelf life. So, it’s best to avoid all junk items and eat clean and fresh at home. Cook whenever possible using non-processed products, such as vegetables and fruits.

3) Workout regularly
Physical inactivity is a major cause of why many people tend to have water weight, and therefore, being physically active is very important if you want to shed those extra few pounds. Regular workouts not only make you sweat, but also make you thirsty, and as a result, you drink more water.
The bottom line
The above tips will go a long way in fixing your water wight issue. However, if the issue persists, it is always best to consult your doctor and seek medical advice.