There are several incredible benefits of cranberry. Not only is it tasty and a staple in sauces, but it is a very popular superfood, which is high in antioxidants and essential nutrients. Cranberries are round and deep-red colored small berries, related to the family of bilberries, blueberries, and lingonberries.
Cranberry is not eaten raw, as it has a very sour taste. It's more commonly used in dry form or as juiced or added to stuffing in desserts and bakery items. In fact, it's mostly consumed as juice, as it's sweetened and mixed with other fruit juices as well.
You can find various cranberry-based products in the market such as sauces, powdered or dried cranberries, and extracts.
Is cranberry healthy?

Cranberries are considered a superfood, and indeed, they are incredibly healthy and nutritious. They're loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and essential plant compounds. Fresh cranberries have 90% water, and the rest is mostly fiber and carbs.
100 grams of raw and unsweetened cranberries consist of:
Water – 90 percent
Protein – 0.4 grams
Calories – 46
Carbs – 12.2 grams
Fiber – 4.6 grams
Sugar – 4 grams
Fat – 0.1 grams
Other than the nutrient components, cranberry also contains various healthy plant compounds such as ursolic acid, myricetin, A-type proanthocyanidins, and peonidin. It has several vitamins too, including vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K1, manganese, and copper.
Benefits of cranberry
Here’s a look at six potential health benefits of cranberry:
1) Prevents UTI
One of the most well-known benefits of cranberry is - it helps prevent UTIs. Studies have shown that nutrients present in cranberries are very effective in preventing UTIs (urinary tract infections), but it's important to note that cranberry can’t cure the infection if you already have the infection.
Plant compound A-type proanthocyanidins in cranberries helps prevent the formation of E.coli in the bladder and reduces the risk of UTI problems.
2) Helps slow down cancer progression

Studies have revealed that certain compounds in cranberries have great effects on cancer cells. They help slow down the formation of cancer-causing cells in the body and also reduce the inflammation that comes with it.
3) Promotes heart health
Promoting heart health is also among the most potent benefits of cranberry. Antioxidants such as quercetin, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins in cranberry are beneficial for promoting healthy heart health.
Studies have shown that cranberry extracts and juices reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol, increasing HDL (good) cholesterol, reducing stiffness in blood vessels and managing blood pressure.
4) Good for brain power
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in cranberries are considered effective for boosting brain power. They help improve memory, promote coordination, and reduce the risk of memory loss and other brain-related problems.
5) Prevents tooth damage

The amazing benefits of cranberry also includes prevention of tooth damage and decay. Proanthocyanidins present in cranberries are effective in preventing tooth decay and may promote oral health by reducing the risk of gum problems and bacterial formation in the mouth.
By preventing these harmful infections, cranberries not only help prevent cavities but work wonders on tooth damage and reduce the risk of oral cancer too.
6) May help with weight loss
As cranberries are 90% water and loaded with fiber, they can help you stay full for longer and assist you in managing a moderate weight. Cranberries have a great effect on the fats accumulated in the body, which further helps with weight loss.
Cranberries are widely consumed as juice, dried, or in supplements as an extract form. They're considered superfoods, as they're a good source of minerals and vitamins and are rich in some unique plant compounds.
While cranberries and their products are safe for most people, excessive consumption can lead to stomach problems like diarrhea and an increased risk of kidney stones.