The benefits of strawberry fruit are many and quite important. It has been known for quite a while now that strawberries are among the healthiest fruits on the planet, but did you know about the benefits of strawberry, especially for the skin?
Because of its high antioxidant and vitamin content, the berry aids in keeping the skin healthy and youthful by reducing signs of aging, calming inflammation, and enhancing overall appearance.
The benefits of strawberry for skin are many. Its pulp can be eaten or applied topically to use the sheer amount of vitamins in them. The reddish-colored fruit is delicious and full of nutrition, but it's the fruit's purported skincare benefits that we will discuss in this article.
Interesting Facts about Strawberries
Did you know that a single strawberry is not actually one fruit? The entire strawberry is just a receptacle that contains many tiny fruits embedded into it, and each fruit has a seed. Now that clears up why a single strawberry has so many seeds.
A single strawberry can contain as many as 200 seeds. Brittany, France, is where the fruit was first cultivated, around the year 1700. There're over 600 different strawberry varieties, each with its own unique taste, size, and texture.
The benefits of strawberry for skin and health have been touted by many skincare experts. It's a good source of protein, vitamin C and K, manganese, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, polyphenols, and other antioxidants, all of which are helpful in keeping the skin looking healthy.
Benefits of Strawberry For Skin
These tiny red fruits are available almost anywhere in the world and are very juicy. Some of the most well-known benefits of strawberry for skin are detailed below:
1) Delays Aging
One of the benefits of strawberry is that they can prevent free radical damage to the skin because of their antioxidant and ellagic acid content. Oxidative stress in the skin is caused by environmental stressors like stress, pollution, and harmful UV rays, making the skin look old and unattractive.
The antioxidants in strawberries, including ellagic acid and vitamin C, give the skin a significant degree of protection from the sun. The latter shields the skin from damaging UV rays, keeping collagen intact. As a bonus, it keeps the skin from showing signs of aging by warding off wrinkles and fine lines.
2) Soothes Puffy Eyes
As they contain so many astringent properties, strawberries are the key to reducing puffiness in eyes.
They reduce swelling in the eye area and bring out a more youthful glow. They also help in draining the lymphatic nodes and exfoliating the skin with the help of their AHAs.
Check out these face yoga exercises for puffy eyes.
3) Brightens Complexion
One of the benefits of strawberry is that they can help with skin lightening, as they boost collagen production. That's because they contain a lot of vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids.
The alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) found in strawberries are great for purifying the skin and getting rid of dead cells. That helps restore the skin's youthful glow by revitalizing tired skin.
4) Reduces Dark Spots, Blemishes and Dark Circles
Two of the key ingredients in strawberries are effective against a wide range of skin issues. Strawberries are rich in ellagic acid and salicylic acid, which work together to treat hyperpigmentation, dark spots, acne, and acne scars.
These two nutrients work together to clear the skin by sloughing off dead cells and closing your pores. The skin around the eyes also look tighter and smoother as a result.
5) Reduces Acnes and Breakouts
One of the benefits of strawberry is that it may alleviate some of the inflammation caused by acne. That's because they're rich in vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
Preliminary research into SAP's effect on acne has shown encouraging results, but more research is required. Strawberries, which contain salicylic acid, can aid in the fight against acne if used as part of a regular skincare routine.
As the pores open up, the build-up of dirt, oil, and dead skin can be washed away, revealing fresh, healthy skin. The reduction in skin pore size helps in keeping acne at bay.
6) Heals Chapped Lips
You may have seen strawberry-flavored lip balms offered by many manufacturers. The ability to nourish and hydrate dry and chapped lips is one of the best benefits of strawberry for skin.
Strawberries also contain salicylic acid, which helps in removing dry, flaky skin from your lips. To achieve plump, pink lips that are soft to the touch, you should use either strawberry skin pulp applied directly to the lips or as a moisturising lip balm.
7) Softens Cracked Feet
Strawberries are commonly used to relieve the symptoms of skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, and itching because of their calming and soothing effects. Cracked and damaged skin under the feet can be improved with regular use of a foot scrub or body lotion that contains strawberries.
Read about the benefits, nutritional facts and side effects of strawberries.
The benefits of strawberry are such that you almost cant go wrong with it. The fruit is great for enhancing complexion, reducing signs of aging and inflammation, softening lips and cracked heels, and also improving other health parameters in general.
You should look for ways to include strawberries in your diet regularly. Also, you could try some strawberry-infused skin care products.