Child pose yoga is intended to be peaceful and restorative. It can be more than just a casual opening warm-up or transition pose in yoga.
However, not everyone finds relaxation in the same way, even if it does so for some in a certain position. Moreover, even if you're physically comfortable in a situation, you might not be emotionally at ease there.
In the classic variation of child pose yoga, you sit back on your heels and bend forward to bring the chest closer to the thighs while kneeling with your shins on the mat and toes pointed backward. The arms may be by the sides or next to the ears as the forehead rests on the mat. That may not be as relaxing for you as for others.
Let’s have a look at some variations you can opt for.
Child pose yoga variations to try
You can deepen the rest between vinyasa yoga sequences or enable more restful time in restorative yoga by experimenting with any of these variations of child pose yoga:
1) Child’s pose with block

If you have limited mobility in your knees and/or ankles, this version can be more accommodating, as it gives the torso more room.
Here’s how to perform this version:
- Begin in the tabletop position.
- Bring your big toes together to touch and space your knees at least hip-width apart.
- To give some cushioning, you can tuck a folded blanket under the knees and the front of the ankles.
- With the near end of the bolster between your legs, place it lengthwise down the center of the mat.
- Place a foam block a foot or so in front of the bolster's far end.
- Reposition your weight such that the front of the abdomen rests on the bolster and the seat moves towards the heels.
- Lay your head down on the block. You can lay an additional folded blanket or pillow between your seat and heels if the hips do not reach them.
2) Child pose on the chair
If applying pressure to the knees or ankles is not an option or if going to the floor and getting back up is difficult, you can try this variant of the child pose yoga. Moreover, it's effective in any chair yoga routine.
Here’s how to do it:
- The knees should be tucked beneath the ankles while you sit still on a chair.
- In your lap, place a bolster, pillow, folded blanket or some foam blocks.
- After your forehead is comfortably resting on the forearms, carefully fold forward while keeping the forearms on the props.
- To find the most comfortable position, you can always change the height of the props.
3) Child’s pose for a deep stretch

Here’s how to do it:
- Move both arms a small distance in front of the shoulders, starting from the tabletop position.
- Move your hips back towards your heels while keeping the arms straight and elbows extended but not locked. Maintain somewhat higher buttocks than usual.
- A block placed under the forehead provides the head and neck with even more support while allowing the shoulders to relax down to the ground.
4) Side-stretch child’s pose
A delightful side stretch can be obtained from child pose yoga by just shifting the position of the arms.
Here’s how to do it:
- Extend the left arm to the left while in the child's pose.
- Bring the right arm as near to the left arm as you can while keeping it extended.
- Gently move the hips to the right to extend the entire right side while pressing the hands into the floor on the left.
- Don't forget to repeat on the other side.
Work with several versions on various days the next time you try the child pose yoga.