#4 Chin-ups

Chin-ups target the lats to perfection and are a wonderful choice for beginners and experienced trainers. The versatility of the exercise ensures that one could work on improving the back with minimal fitness equipment.
Step 1: Hold the pull-up bar with the palms facing the body with the distance between the palms should be less than the width of the shoulders. The arms and the torso in the initial position should be kept straight for maximum efficiency.
Step 2: Slowly, pull the body towards the roof such that the head is in line with the pull-up bar. Ensure that the movement is generated mainly using biceps. Hold for a moment and return to the initial position.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
Important Tip: Chin-ups could also be performed using an assist machine or with the help of a spotter.
Next up: Pull-ups