Beginning a workout routine is often the most difficult part of any fitness journey. Well, maybe not as difficult as actually sticking to the routine, but you get the point.
So, why is beginning a workout routine so difficult for most people? Maybe because you start off on a high - expect too much of yourself and are unable to stick to the routine when your motivation isn't as high as the day on which you began.
There are many factors that can help you stick to a workout routine, but for that, you must first begin one. Here we will talk about some things that will help you begin a workout routine.
Tips to Help in Beginning a Workout Routine

Here are six tips that can help you start a workout routine:
1) Make a Commitment
Most people hire trainers so they don't have to push themselves. Only those people who make a commitment and a conscious choice to improve themselves are able to stick to a workout routine.
Whether or not you feel prepared to make a change depends entirely on you. To achieve your fitness goals, you must be fully committed to the process and willing to face the mental and physical challenges that lie ahead.
We suggest that you read as much as possible about the benefits of exercise, why you should be doing it and maybe some beginner exercise routines, which will give you confidence. Giving your brain the information it needs to make an informed decision will help you choose the right path when you feel like giving up.
2) Plan your Workouts; Set Realistic Goals

Beginning a workout routine should be about small steps, a set plan that will take you where you want to be in n weeks time.
You want abs? Make a plan to begin working out your abs with a bunch of simple exercises every day. You will also need cardio and strength training, but planning will allow you to slowly increase the level of your workouts.
Basically, once you've decided to make exercise a regular part of your life, it's important to map out a strategy that incorporates realistic, measurable objectives.
Check out these easy workout exercises for beginners.
3) Make a Vision Board to Motivate You
For the days when you just don't feel it, having a goal in mind will be crucial. It's extremely common to feel like not exercising 4-5 days after beginning a workout routine, so much so that your one-day break could actually put you off course for another month.
To get in the right frame of mind for your workouts, even after a long and stressful day, a vision board can be very useful. You can get creative with your vision board, including other aspects of your life. Asking yourself questions that motivate you are key
- In what ways do you find joy?
- Ideally, you'd be living where?
- In what capacity would you most like to work?
- Why do you spring into action each morning?
Use these questions to display stuff on your vision board that will motivate and inspire you. Display your vision board where you will see it frequently. When you feel demotivated, looking at your vision board may help inspire you.
4) Start Small

Beginning a weight loss workout can be extremely challenging, but only if you let yourself overthink about it. Most of the time, it's just important to get moving.
Think of Nike's logo 'Just do it!'. When you're beginning a workout routine, start slowly, and gradually increase the intensity of your fitness routine rather than to start out extremely motivated and quit after two weeks. The same workouts get boring for the body after a while, so you have to keep challenging it in new ways.
You can also try this easy exercise plan: Do ten squats and ten jumping jacks today, and 11 the next day. If ten seems like too much, try aiming for five.
5) Know your 'Why'

Most people think that beginning a workout routine is about just beginning - they couldn't be more wrong. Pinpointing the motivation behind your decision to start working out regularly can take you a long way when it comes to sticking to your workout.
It's important to dig deep and find a reason that matters to you enough to propel you forward. Perhaps it's keeping up with the kids, having confidence in your physical abilities, or simply making time for self-care.
It's important to tailor your exercise routine to your specific needs and preferences. Remember that everyone develops at their own pace, and to zero in on what works and feels good for your body.
6) Make it a Habit
To accomplish that, sometimes you will have to put brakes on your overthinking brain and just act mechanically. Once you start that workout, you will get into it, and stick to it all through to the end - it's only before the beginning that you will feel like not doing it.
If you are not up for gym workouts, you can opt for beginning a workout routine at home and then progress on to working out at the gym.
Check out these full body exercises for beginners to do at home.
Beginning a workout routine is not simple, nor is it easy, but it's important. It's something that you need to do, to live a healthy life. You deserve to live your life to the fullest, and your near and dear ones deserve to see you healthy and happy. It may seem like too much effort, but it will definitely be worth it.