Looking for arm exercises to reduce those bat wings? We got you. Unwanted weight in the upper arms can be especially difficult to get rid of. As a result, many people's upper arms are flabby and lacklustre. The skin in the area may begin to sag or wiggle. This appearance is sometimes known as bat wings.
The triceps and biceps are the most prominent upper arm muscles. The triceps are located behind the elbow, and the biceps are in front. As the triceps are not directly involved in lifting or carrying, they tend to be the weaker of the two muscles.
You can't spot-reduce fat, but you can make your upper body look more toned and tight by working on your muscle mass. Specific arm exercises, along with a healthy diet and consistent exercise, can help you get the toned arms you need for that tank top.
What Causes Bat Wings?

Bat wings are more prevalent in the elderly and obese. Muscle tone naturally decreases with age, but there're many exercises that can help you regain it.
Every person is significant in their own way. Overweight upper arms can cause the appearance of bat wings. Although spot reduction arm exercises can be helpful, a full body workout can produce more noticeable and long-lasting results.
Check out these arm exercises for women to get rid of bat wings.
Arm Exercises to Get Rid of Bat Wings

The following routine is designed to strengthen and tone upper arm muscles. These arm exercises are suitable for either the home or the gym.
Muscle strain can be avoided by warming up for 10-20 minutes before exercise. To get warmed up, you can do something like:
- arm circles
- marching in place
- lifting alternating arms
- over the head arm stretches
- gentle bending from side to side
1) Triceps Push-up
This is one of the best arm exercises you can do anywhere. It targets and tones the triceps, which is necessary for reducing bat wings. It's done as follows:
- Kick off by getting into a plank position on your hands and knees. To begin, tuck your hands in close to your chest. Make a triangle with your fingers by turning your hands in.
- Keep your body in a straight line and core engaged as you slowly lower yourself to the floor.
- Bring your shoulders down and back, and push back up into a plank position by squeezing the muscles at the back of the arms and midback.
- Repeat 15 to 20 times. Make sure to get in three sets.
2) Lat Pull Down

This is one of those arm exercises that you can do at the gym. It's done as follows:
- Sit down in front of the weight stack of a lat pulldown machine with a broad bar.
- Raise your arms overhead, and grab the bar with a wide grip, palms facing out.
- Pull the bar down to your chest while leaning back 30-45 degrees.
- Tighten the large muscles on either side of your back (latissimus dorsi). It's as if you're tucking the elbows into your back pockets. Put your shoulders and neck at rest.
- Repeat 15-20 times. Make sure to get in three sets.
3) Lying Triceps Extension
One of the best arm exercises, you will need a weight do it. It's done as follows:
- Stretch out on a bench while holding a straight bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.
- Extend your arms out to the side at a right angle to the body, with the palms down and elbows pointing towards the legs.
- While maintaining a fixed upper arm, lower the bar to your forehead by bending at the elbows.
- Bring it back to square one.
- Repeat 15-20 times. Make sure to get in three sets.
4) Reverse Fly

One of the most effective arm exercises you can do, you will need to go to a gym for this one. It's done as follows:
- Recline on an incline bench so that only the chest is touching the floor.
- Just hang a dumbbell from each hand like that.
- Form a 'T' with your raised arms.
- Maintain a tight core and a lowered head and neck by squeezing through the back of the shoulders and upper back.
- Repeat 15 -20 times. Make sure to get in three sets.
5) Deltoid Raise
This one will let you feel the burn in just a few reps. It's done as follows:
- Keep your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent as you stand. Prepare for the movement by leaning forward 20 degrees at the waist and activating the core muscles.
- Keep your palms facing your thighs as you hold the dumbbells down by your sides.
- Raise your arms to shoulder height as you form a 'T' with your body. Move your arms back to the starting position.
- The recommended number of repetitions is between 10-14. Make sure to get in three sets.
You may think that doing only arm exercises will help reduce the appearance of your bat wings, but that is not true.
Check out these standing arm exercises for toned arms.
However, you will be able to achieve results if you follow a proper diet plan with high amounts of protein and healthy fat, along with an exercise regimen that targets most of the muscles. Apart from that, you can also perform specific arm exercises targeting the triceps.