Want to reduce excess fat stored between the hips and above the pubic bone? Try FUPA workouts.
FUPA is a slang for fat in upper pubic areas and is one of the most common concerns not only among women but men as well. Scientifically known as panniculus, FUPA refers to the growth of fat in the lower abdomen that sometimes also reaches over the genitals and pubis. It's the accumulation of excessive fat right above the pubic area and between the hips.
There are several reasons why people can have FUPA, including aging, childbirth, genetics, obesity, and rapid weight loss. Moreover, abdominal surgery, such as cesarean delivery in women, can also contribute to fat in the upper pubic area. For many, though, it's a natural part of their body.
The good news is – you can get rid of fat in this area with a proper diet and the right FUPA workouts. In severe cases, though, surgical procedures such as liposuction, panniculectomy, and non-invasive procedures such as red light therapy and cool sculpting can also be effective.
FUPA workouts to do at home
Read on to learn about some of the best FUPA exercises you can do at home to manage and reduce fat effectively:
1) Forearm plank

When it comes to the best FUPA workouts, the forearm plank tops the list. This exercise not only helps reduce lower belly fat but also tightens the entire core muscle and is great for the lower back as well.
To do it, start in a kneeling position on the mat, and place your forearms on the floor. Keep your fist closed, and slowly lift your body off the mat while extending your legs behind.
With your toes pointed at the back and body in a straight line from heels to head, try to balance yourself over your arms. Make sure that the midsection is tight throughout the exercise. Hold the position for as long as you can, and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise.
2) Leg raise
Leg raises are one of the most beginner-friendly FUPA workouts you can do at home. It can not only reduce upper pubic fat but strengthen the core and work the inner abs too.
To do the exercise, lie on your back on a mat with your hands on the sides and palms facing down. Position your legs together, and keep your toes pointed towards the ceiling.
Raise your legs together till they reach a 90-degree angle with the floor. Lower your legs back to the starting position while pressing your lower back onto the floor. Lift your legs again, and repeat the exercise.
3) Reverse crunch

Reverse crunches are also one of the best FUPA workouts that not only help reduce excess fat but target the entire core muscle and strengthen the rectus abdominis, aka the six packs, too.
Start the exercise by lying down on a mat with your hands on the sides. Lifting your legs off the mat, bend your knees, and slowly bring them just above your pelvis.
Move your knees close to your chest, and bring your legs back to the starting position without extending them straight. Move your knees close to your chest again, and continue the exercise for a few reps.
4) The hundred
The hundred is one of the classic Pilates exercises that works wonders in terms of reducing FUPA. This exercise reduces fat, strengthens the core, and also targets the deep abs muscles as well.
Start the exercise by lying on a mat with your body straight. Lift your head off the mat, and feel your lower abs engage. Position your arms straight by your sides, and lift your legs at a 45-degree angle, keeping the knees bent. Move your arms up and down while balancing the legs and keeping your head off the floor throughout the exercise.
5) Superman

Superman is among the most effective FUPA workouts that help reduce fat, tighten deep ab muscles, and strengthen the lower back.
Begin the exercise by lying on your stomach with your arms stretched in the front and legs stretched out straight behind you. Lift your arms and feet by engaging the core muscles, and hold your arms and legs up for as long as you can.
Make sure to keep your fingers and toes pointed outward throughout the exercise. Hold the position for as long as you can, and bring your arms and legs down. Repeat the exercise.
Try FUPA workouts regularly to notice results
Doing the aforementioned FUPA workouts consistently for a few weeks is sure to help tone the upper pubic area. While they can be challenging and time-taking, you need to be patient, consistent, and most importantly, remember to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to see the best results.