The best time to weigh yourself is crucial to keep in mind because the number on your scale may not always be an accurate representation of your overall health, despite the expectations that many of us have when we step onto the scale.
If you weigh yourself often and have a positive relationship with it, it can be a tool to help you track your progress towards your goal of general health.
Why the Morning is the Best Time to Weigh Yourself
Your weight at the start of the day will differ from your weight at the end of the day. According to the American Physiological Society, you eat less food at night and lose fluids through sweat and respiration.

In light of this, there are particular periods of the day when stepping on the scale is likely to yield the most accurate numbers. The best time to weigh yourself, in the opinion of specialists, is in the morning since you've given your body time to thoroughly digest everything you ate and drank the day before, leaving your stomach largely empty.
More Tips for Accurate Weighing
Aside from the best time to weigh yourself, there are other techniques to ensure you consistently get an accurate reading from your scale. This is crucial when monitoring your weight gain or loss progress.
Here are some additional simple tips:
- To acquire a consistent reading, weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day.
- To avoid any variations brought on by an uneven surface or floor, keep your scale on a stable, flat surface.
- For more precise readings, stand barefoot on the scale, distributing your weight evenly between both feet.
- If possible, don't dress at all when weighing oneself. For improved accuracy, whatever you choose to do, keep it the same every time you weigh yourself.
How often should you weigh yourself?
Keeping track of your progress is crucial, but weighing yourself too frequently might be harmful. Experts advise weighing yourself once each week at the same time of day while wearing little to no clothing to ensure accuracy.

It's important to remember that progress on your path to better health can be measured in other ways besides weight. Additional elements like body measurements, how you feel, and variations in energy levels might be useful measures to monitor.
How to weigh yourself without a scale?
There are other ways to monitor your progress if you don't have access to a scale or would prefer not to use one. You can get a sense of changes in your body composition by using body measures like waist, hip, and body mass. Progress pictures are a helpful tool for tracking how your body has changed over time.

The most effective method for tracking your progress ultimately depends on your preferences and what works best for you. Here, the most important thing is to maintain a healthy, positive relationship with your body and your pursuit of better health.
Weighing yourself can be a useful tool to track your progress towards your health goals, but it's important to weigh yourself at the right time to get the most accurate reading. Weighing yourself first thing in the morning after using the restroom and before eating or drinking anything is the best time for accurate results.
Additionally, there are other tips to keep in mind, such as weighing yourself once a week at the same time of day, keeping your scale on a solid, flat surface, standing barefoot on your scale with your weight evenly distributed between both feet, and wearing consistent clothing or no clothing at all.
If weighing yourself triggers negative thoughts or behaviors, it's important to break up with your scale and find alternative methods to track progress. Ultimately, the most important thing is to maintain a healthy and positive relationship with your body and your health journey.