Hailing from the popular anime series, Dragon Ball Z, Broly is an enigma in his own right - a mythical beast with strength beyond comprehension.
He's acclaimed as a Legendary Super Saiyan, a warrior whose power seems to have no bounds. His imposing physical prowess and fiercely driven spirit make him a powerful force.
Arguably his most striking feature, though, is his titanic physique - a testament to superhuman endurance, strength and limitless power. For fans of Dragon Ball Z and fitness enthusiasts, training like this Super Saiyan can be an exciting and inspirational challenge.
Broly legendary Super Saiyan workout
#1 Barbell Rows (10 reps)
This exercise targets the back muscles and requires a barbell. To do it, bend at the waist with knees slightly bent, and lift the barbell with an overhand grip, pulling it towards the lower ribs.
#2 Standing Dumbbell Flys (15 reps)
Focusing on the chest muscles, this movement requires dumbbells. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing inward.
Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height while keeping the arms straight, and slowly lower them back down.
#3 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (12 reps)
It's a classic exercise for working the back and arm muscles. To do it, grasp the pull-up bar with hands wider than shoulder-width apart, with the palms facing away. Pull the body up till the chin is above the bar, and lower back down.
#4 Windmills (20 reps)
This exercise engages the core muscles, shoulders and hips. To do it, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms extended out to the sides.
Bend at the waist, reaching the left hand towards the right foot, and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
#5 Clap Push-Ups (15 reps)
An advanced version of the traditional push-up, this exercise targets the chest, triceps and core muscles.
To do it, begin in a push-up position, and lower your chest towards the ground. As you push back up, quickly clap your hands together before returning them to the ground.
Is it possible to get Broly’s physique ?
The actual workout begins post warm-up, and it's no walk in the park. To gain muslces like the legendary super saiyan, you need to work on various muscle groups, starting with a deadlift, which he performs in certain sets, ranging from ten reps to three.
For targeting the biceps, Broly uses preacher curls, working through four sets, each set with decreasing repetitions. This routine aims at building strength and muscle size, much like Broly's muscular form.
The workout moves on to a unique structure known as a superset. Instead of one exercise, a superset pairs two exercises together with no rest in between.
The body needs ample rest and recovery time. Also, remember to keep yourself safe during heavy lifts by using necessary support equipment and correct form.
Following Broly’s workout routine might not turn anybody into a Super Saiyan, but it's a great way to challenge oneself, level up your fitness, and of course, channel your inner superhero.
Remember, the goal isn't just to get huge - it's about getting stronger, more resilient, and above all, feeling empowered in your body.