Can dogs boost physical activity in kids? Here’s what new study suggests

Can dogs increase physical activity ? (Image by Michael Oxendine/Unsplash)
Can dogs increase physical activity ? (Image by Michael Oxendine/Unsplash)

Physical activity for kids is necessary for their overall development. Acts like running, playing a sport, cycling, and swimming are the most commonly followed ones.

When it comes to kids, some of the above-mentioned activities have to be done under adult supervision. However, if you are thinking about getting a puppy for your house and your kid, here is something you may not be aware of, dogs can make kids more active.

Be careful while selecting the dog breed. Don’t go for breeds that need a lot of training or are aggressive by nature. A dog is every man’s friend as we have heard for ages, and it can be your baby's best friend too. If your child has no one to play with, a dog can be a very good companion.

Have a garden or a big house? Then you have nothing to worry about. Planning on getting a dog? Here is something you didn’t know about dogs and their link to increased physical activity in children.

The link between having a pet dog and increased physical activity

Having a dog can engage your kid in more physical activity (Image by Sabina Fratila/Unsplash)
Having a dog can engage your kid in more physical activity (Image by Sabina Fratila/Unsplash)

New studies (via Parade Pets) have shown that having a dog increases a kid's physical activity by about 52 minutes per day. Thus there is a direct connection between more physical activity and having a dog.

If you are someone who has a family dog, then you are lucky. Often we are busy with office and work and do not get to play enough with our kids. This can make them depressed, insecure, and even obese.

Having a dog has many benefits. Your kid can go for walks with the dog daily or even twice a day. This can increase your kid's daily step count and can also make the dog healthy and cultivate good habits in your pet.

Studies have shown that dogs can increase 52 minutes of kids' physical activity. Research has also shown that young girls get a big exercise boost, with dogs as part of their lives.

Physical activities that your kid and your dog can do together and their benefits

Running with your pet can make you healthy (Image by Anthony Duran/Unsplash)
Running with your pet can make you healthy (Image by Anthony Duran/Unsplash)

There are tons of activities that you can choose from. Common ones are jogging, running, playing fetch, playing tug-o-war with a rope or a dog toy, hide and seek, running up and down the stairs, and many more. These activities will not only keep your child more engaged but they will also have a lot of fun daily.

Playing catch will improve their hand-eye coordination, running will make them fast, and playing pull will help them develop their muscles from a very early stage in their life. Overall, it will make your child more fit and flexible.

Other benefits of dogs in your children's life

  1. Makes them happy: Having a pet and playing with them has been shown to improve kid's overall mood. There is more serotonin and dopamine in kids, who play very often with them. This is good for their overall well-being.
  2. Better speaking skills: Kids engage in conversation with their doggo companion. Although there is no meaning to the conversation, and it is purely out of love and affection, it can teach them how to talk properly, pronounce better, and help them practice talking.
  3. Never alone: Your kid will never be alone again and will always have a non-human friend to play with.
  4. Making the kid responsible: Your baby will learn about empathy. He will learn to give the dog proper food and water on time. If they grow up like this, it will help them grow as a responsible adult.

Choosing the best dog breed for your kid

Choosing the best dog breed is important to improve physical activity (Image by Picsea/Unsplash)
Choosing the best dog breed is important to improve physical activity (Image by Picsea/Unsplash)
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Labradors Collie
  • Beagles
  • Mutt

Do not go for breeds that are not so active do not like being touched or played with or are aggressive. If you do not have a dog already, adopt one and do not shop. Keep yourself and your kid healthy by welcoming a new member into your family.

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