Running is a form of cardio often associated with weight loss. It's an easy sport that doesn’t require too much effort or any equipment - just some comfortable clothes and a good pair of running shoes - and you are good to go. As it burns a lot of calories, running is regarded as one of the best cardio exercises.
On average, a 150-pound person can burn anywhere between 300 to 500 calories in a 30-minute run. That also depends on several other factors, such as speed, terrain, temperature, etc. Assuming you lose one pound of fat for every 3500 calories you burn, running can be a great way to achieve weight loss.
Benefits of Running Long Distance
Surely, running provides more benefits than just shedding pounds? Absolutely. Amongst the many benefits of running, here are the top reasons people pick up this sport:
• Improves endurance (stamina)
• Improves speed
• Boosts metabolism
• Tones the body
• Conditions the muscles
While you obviously can’t reap all these benefits in just one run, experts suggest that running for even 30 minutes just 4-5 times a week is good enough to start noticing the changes to your health.
Running is mostly performed in two settings; outdoors or indoors on a treadmill. The treadmill is a great way to keep track of your speed, distance, elevation, and even calories burned, if you have a hi-tech treadmill.
However, most runners prefer the outdoors. While there really isn’t much difference between running in either setting, it’s important to recognize the one you like, so that you remain regular, and stick to it as an activity.
Studies have shown that people who run more than 5 km per week while maintaining a balanced diet lose more fat mass than those who run less. As tempting as it may sound, you need to be well equipped to take on running longer distances through the week.
If running isn’t your thing but you’re looking to shed some fat, maybe give HIIT a try. HIIT or high intensity interval training is a super effective way to burn maximum calories in the shortest time. It involves short, intense bursts of energy followed by brief periods of rest. The same can be said of plyometric training.
Running only seems scary till you actually try it out. The outdoors are recommended, as there really isn’t anything like the thrill of running through the air in nature, taking in the warmth of the sun while listening to your favorite tunes.
Five kilometres won’t feel like so much when you’re out there hitting the ground. Start slow, with at least two 30-minute runs a week, till you can build it up to 4-5 a week. Make sure to eat all your meals, drink plenty of water, and get the required amount of rest.