Prostate cancer can occur in tissues that are positioned locally next to the seminal vesicles or prostate. This cancer tends to have a negative impact on the surrounding lymph nodes outside that area and in the pelvis.
This type of cancer can spread to the tissues located right next to the prostate including the muscles that help in controlling the urination or affect the walls of the pelvis. This cancer can also travel through your blood stream and impact on your bones as well as other organs.
In this article, we will discuss this cancer recurrence, biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer, and signs of prostate cancer along with the treatment which is most effective.

Prostate Cancer Recurrence
Prostate cancer recurrence means that the cancer has not been properly cured in the initial treatment. Prostate cancer cells have survived and become evident again. Generally, after the completion of the surgery to remove the prostate, it results in a decrease in the PSA levels in your blood, which eventually tends to decline. These PSA levels can rise at any time after the treatment of prostate cancer and therefore require additional testing.
Biochemical Recurrence of Prostate Cancer
Biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer is understood to be an increase in prostate specific antigens in patients after radiation or treatment. Biochemical recurrence generally occurs in the patients that do not have any kind of the symptoms. This means that the cancer is back in the body and is also referred to as PSA failure and biochemical relapse.
Prostate Cancer Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer tend to vary from person to person. The symptoms might not be detected in the early stages of this cancer. However, people who have a more advanced form of this cancer can have the following signs and symptoms:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Weight loss
- Trouble with urination
- Impact on the urine stream
- Blood in urine
- Bone pain
If you feel that there are any persistent signs or symptoms, then you should consult a medical professional.
Prostate Cancer Treatment
Medical imaging and MRI scans tend to give your medical professional a proper and clear picture of your prostate along with the nearby areas. They offer a proper visualization of this type of cancer along with giving you an idea of how much it has spread. The treatment of this cancer also depends on the stage of cancer and can also include radiation therapy.
Generally, prostate cancer is quickly discovered when it is either in the prostate gland or it has spread to a smaller degree. This type of cancer is also more likely to affect the people in their elderly stage. There are also various factors that more or less determine the likelihood of recurrence, including tumor size, lymp node involvement, gleason score, cancer stage, and more.