#3 Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover
The straight-arm dumbbell pullover activates the muscles in the chest, arms, shoulders and the back.
Before starting the workout routine, always have a good idea of the weight and never work with weights that push muscle fatigue at a rapid pace. Beginners and novice trainers are advised to take the help of a spotter while performing this exercise.
Step 1: Lay flat on a bench, either parallel or perpendicular to it and hold the dumbbell over the chest. Both the hands should firmly grip the dumbbell on the underside of one of the ends of the dumbbell.
Step 2: From the initial position, slowly move the arms in an arc behind the head. Ensure that the arms do not bend while performing this motion. Pause for a second and return to the starting position.
Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.
Next up: Incline Dumbbell Fly with A Twist