The renowned actor Colin McFarlane has bravely come forward to share his personal battle with prostate cancer. He stood up to talk about it at the age of 61 and revealed that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, emphasizing the importance of early detection and raising awareness about this prevalent disease.
The actor has starred in classics like Doctor Who, Outlander, and The Dark Knight which gathered him enough amount of fame to get relentless support at the time of such an ordeal. When Colin McFarlane spoke up about it, he was supported by all his fans and friends who all came up to appreciate his bravery and courage.
Overview of Colin McFarlane's prostate cancer diagnosis
The 61-year-old was brave enough to talk about his prostate cancer diagnosis where he highlighted the importance of regular testing and awareness among men. Known to be one of the finest actors, McFarlane also spoke about his brother's diagnosis which was discovered just nine months prior to this.
Colin McFarlane credits the use of PSA blood tests for their early detection, enabling them to take proactive measures against the disease which was quite necessary at the time. This revelation prompted him to become an advocate for men's health and raise awareness about prostate cancer, particularly among black men who are at a higher risk.
Regular PSA blood tests would allow an individual to measure the levels of prostate-specific antigen in the blood which in turn can help identify potential issues and prompt further investigation into the issue. According to McFarlane, the detection of prostate cancer at an immature stage can prominently increase the chances of successful treatment and recovery.
Colin McFarlane's journey has inspired him to support organizations that are dedicated to prostate cancer research and awareness. One of them is Prostate Cancer UK, which aims to educate men about the undeniable necessity of regular testing and provides valuable resources for individuals and their families affected by the disease.
Through his involvement, the actor hopes to encourage men over 50, especially black men over 45, to undergo PSA testing and take charge of their prostate health.
How people reacted to it
After Colin shared the news, the fans flooded social media platforms to praise the bravery of their favorite actor and express their support and send positive messages. Quite a lot of people commended McFarlane for using the platform to raise awareness about prostate cancer and encourage men, especially those from high-risk groups, to undergo regular testing acknowledging the importance of advocacy and educating others about the disease.
A lot of individuals came up to share their own ordeals with prostate cancer or their loved ones' battles with the disease related to Colin's journey and expressed gratitude for his openness, which inspired them to prioritize their own health.
As Colin McFarlane is pretty close to his fellow actors, movie co-stars, and colleagues, he considers them to be a part of his own family. They also showed support for Colin praising his strength and resilience in facing the diagnosis and encouraging him throughout his journey. These expressions of solidarity emphasized the importance of unity and support within the entertainment industry.