CrossFit for women:  Everything you need to know to get started

How to get into CrossFit for Women (Image via freepik)
How to get into CrossFit for Women? (Image via Freepik)

Are you curious about CrossFit for women, but wondering if it's only for bulky guys? Think again. CrossFit is an inclusive and effective high-intensity interval training (HIIT) programme that caters to everyone, regardless of gender or body type.

In this article, we dive into what makes female CrossFit athletes thrive and how this fitness brand can empower women to reach their fitness goals while being part of a motivating community.

What is CrossFit's impact on woman's body?

CrossFit (Image via Freepik/Aleksandralittlewolf)
CrossFit (Image via Freepik/Aleksandralittlewolf)

CrossFit revolves around "functional movement," which means focusing on big-muscle exercises at high intensity.

It's not all about getting swole; it's about enhancing the body's abilities in everyday life, from lifting things to standing strong with confidence. While CrossFit can help you gain muscle, it's more likely to improve overall fitness, reduce body fat and enhance lean muscle definition.

Who can benefit from CrossFit?

Mesomorphic body type (Image via Freepik)
Mesomorphic body type (Image via Freepik)

The beauty of CrossFit lies in its inclusivity. Regardless of your body type, everyone is welcome to participate. You don't need to be a seasoned athlete either – CrossFit is typically done in a gym with a qualified coach who will guide you through the process.

While mesomorphs (medium-framed, solidly built individuals) may excel more naturally, both endomorphs (shorter, rounder body types) and ectomorphs (tall, slim body types) can also thrive in the community of CrossFit for women.

Does CrossFit for women transform body shape?

Body transformation (Image via Freepik)
Body transformation (Image via Freepik)

CrossFit's impact on body shape depends on your starting fitness level. It can help you lose fat and build muscle, which may change how your clothes fit.

However, getting super muscular through CrossFit requires rigorous weightlifting and strict diets. However, even if CrossFit doesn't drastically change your body shape, the mental health benefits of exercise, like improved mood and self-image, are undeniable. Moreover, the sense of community in CrossFit for women can be uplifting.

Female CrossFit and belly fat burn

CrossFit helps burn belly fat. (Image via Freepik/Lookstudio)
CrossFit helps burn belly fat. (Image via Freepik/Lookstudio)

As a HIIT workout, CrossFit for women is an excellent choice for burning stubborn belly fat. It helps lower blood glucose and increase insulin sensitivity, promoting fat loss while gaining muscle slowly.

Consistent CrossFit workouts can be a powerful tool in your weight-loss journey, but remember that overall health and nutrition are key to achieving your goals.

Can you do CrossFit workouts at home?

Crossfit at home (Image via Freepik/Stockking)
Crossfit at home (Image via Freepik/Stockking)

Absolutely, CrossFit workouts can be modified to suit your home gym equipment. Whether you have kettlebells, dumbbells or no equipment at all, you can still participate and benefit from CrossFit's functional exercises.

CrossFit workouts may involve more reps of each exercise compared to traditional gym workouts, making them more challenging. The variety of CrossFit workouts, like AMRAP and EMOM, keeps things engaging and dynamic.

How often should you do CrossFit?

Moderate workouts (Image via Freepik)
Moderate workouts (Image via Freepik)

CrossFit workouts three to five times a week can be safe and effective. However, listen to your body, and create a schedule that aligns with your goals and feels sustainable.

It's essential to have a balanced workout routine, so feel free to incorporate other activities that you enjoy, like running or yoga.

Beginner's WOD example

Begginer's routine (Image via Freepik)
Begginer's routine (Image via Freepik)

Curious about trying a workout of the day (WOD) when starting out with CrossFit for women? Here's a sample routine to get you started:

Warm-up: 2-4 minutes of easy jogging, rowing or biking, followed by two rounds of 7-10 shoulder pass throughs, 30 jumping jacks and 10 sit-ups.

For time

  • 50 double-unders (spinning the rope twice between jumps), followed by 40, 30, 20 and finally 10.
  • 50 sit-ups, followed by 40, 30, 20, and finally 10.

No timer set

  • 50-meter farmer’s walk with dumbbells.
  • 10-15 dumbbell deadlifts.
  • 30-second side plank.

Remember to consult a qualified coach before starting CrossFit or any new fitness routine.

So, if you're ready to challenge yourself, find your local center for CrossFit for women, and get ready to embrace a fitness journey that empowers you both physically and mentally.

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