Curl bar exercises are also referred to as EZ-bar exercises, the reason being that the EZ-bar is not a straight bar. It has a curly nature to it, but, of course, it’s not rounded. The curls are more like sharp bends on the EZ-bar itself.
Curl bar exercises add variation to your workout routine and help with engaging the various muscle groups that make your arms stronger. If you have access to a curl bar, you should definitely add it to your overall workout routine.
6 Curl Bar Exercises for Massive Arms
The following are some of the curl bar exercises that you can incorporate into your workout routine if you want to build massive arms:
1) Preacher Curls
To do preacher curls, you need to place your arms on the preacher machine/preacher curl pad. Ideally, this is the only way you can do EZ-bar curls since incline benches support only one arm at a time.
When you're curling, your upper arms and elbows shouldn’t leave the pad at any time, and only your forearms should do the movement.
2) Reverse Curls
Reverse curl bar exercises have the same impact as hammer curls. Usually, reverse curls are added to the routine when hammer curls or reverse cable curls become too monotonous.
You can choose between short-grip or wide-grip for the exercise depending on whether you want more impact on your long head or short head of the bicep!
3) Wide-Grip Curls
Practicing wide-grip curls means you’ll be holding the outer grip of the curl bar. Once you’ve found the proper grip, you need to focus on simple bicep curls.
It’s better to use a lower weight but control the negative so that the impact is maximized during the exercise.
4) Short-Grip Curls
Short grip curls refer to holding the inner grip of the curl bar. This is one of the variations of bicep curls from curl bar exercises.
You may find yourself swaying back and forth towards the end of the set, especially if you're pushing past failure. It’s okay to add a few cheap reps to the set if you’ve properly exercised for most parts of the set.
5) Military Press
Military press focuses on your shoulders, especially your lateral and anterior deltoids. You can use the outer or inner grip, depending on how much you want to spread out.
The exercise can be done while seated or while standing, but you must tighten your core muscles for better balance and stability.
You can find the guide for military press here.
6) French Press
The French press is for triceps. You need to add moderate weights to the curl bar and lift it overhead. Next, bend your forearms backwards from your elbows, and move them all the way until you feel the stretch on your triceps.
Once you’ve felt that stretch, engage the triceps and bring your forearms back to the starting position.
Bottom Line
Curl bar exercises are useful when you want to build massive arms and want to use variations to do so.
It can get tiring and monotonous to do the same exercises over and over again. Curl bar exercises can assist with the variation as well as enable you to activate the muscles from a different angle, which is extremely beneficial for boosting muscle growth.