If you want to develop a massive set of arms, instead of doing simple biceps curls, you must add different variations of curls with bar to your arm training to target the muscle from every angle.
Moreover, you must use different exercise tools like an Olympic curl bar or a cambered curl bar to experiment with hand positions and grips. Variations of curls with bar not only target the arms but also work on the shoulders, back and chest. They're highly beneficial for exercisers looking to add mass to their overall physique.
To help you get started, we have listed the best variations of arm curls with bar that are sure to work from each angle and give you an intense arm workout session.
Variations of curls with bar to try in your next gym session
Here’s a look at five of the best curl variations you can do using different bars like a barbell, EZ curl, cambered bar and Olympic bar:
#1 Straight bar curl
Start your arm training with this easy and effective biceps curl bar exercise. Straight bar curls are one of the best and most classic exercises you can perform using a barbell.
While you can add weight plates to the side to challenge yourself even more, initially you must always start without weights. This variation of curls with bar targets the biceps and allows the wrists and hands to be in a natural grip position, which reduces risk of pain and injury.
To do it:
- Hold a barbell around your shoulder width. Grab the barbell using an underhand grip with the palms facing up.
- Stand straight with both feet together, back straight and arms extended. Make sure the bar doesn’t touch your body.
- With the elbows close to your side and body stable, curl the bar up gently and slowly.
- At the top of the movement, squeeze your biceps, and lower the bar to the starting position.
#2 Preacher curl
This variation of curls with bar is one of the best arm exercises you can do using an EZ bar. It allows the brachioradialis muscle, the major muscle in the biceps, to get optimally targeted because of the preacher bench pad position.
To do it:
- Sit and place your arms on the preacher bench pad in a way that the edges come under the armpits as you lean on it.
- Hold the EZ curl bar with your palms facing up and arms extended straight down.
- With feet firmly planted on the floor and back stable, curl the bar up towards your chest or till the hands reach shoulder height.
- Lower the bar, and repeat the exercise.
#3 Cambered bar curl
Cambered bar curls are similar to standard curls and are commonly considered a mix of hammer curls and straight bar curls.
However, in this variation of curls with bar, keep your hands facing towards each other and wrists facing inward at 45 degrees. This variation is also easier on the wrists and joints and even allows lifting heavier weights.
To do it:
- Hold the cambered curl bar with the palms facing each other and hands at about 45 degrees.
- Load the cambered curl bar with weight, and hold it using a shoulder-width underhand grip.
- Stand and allow the bar to rest against your thighs.
- With the elbows stable, curl the bar towards the shoulders till the underside of the forearms touch the biceps.
- Hold the contraction, and slowly lower the bar with control.
#4 Overhead triceps extension with a bar
This variation of curls with bar is not the standard curl. The overhead triceps curls not only target the biceps but fires up the triceps while requiring massive force and strength to lift the bar overhead. You can do this exercise using a straight bar or EZ curl bar.
To do it:
- Stand straight, and hold a bar behind your head using an overhand grip. Keep your hands close to each other, and position your feet at a shoulder-width distance.
- Straighten your arms, and raise the bar over your head till the arms get extended.
- Slowly bend your elbows to the lower bar behind your neck and returning to the starting position.
#5 Reverse grip curl
Reverse grip curls with bar target the biceps and also works on the muscles located in the forearms.
To do it:
- Stand straight holding a straight bar or an EZ curl bar using an overhand grip.
- Keep your hands in line with the shouldersm and position the bar across your waist.
- Use your forearms, and bend your arms to lift the bar up towards the ceiling. Get the bar as close to vertical as you can, and hold the position for a few seconds.
- Lower the bar to the starting position.
Doing curls with different bars allows more customization of hand positions, grips and rotations, and helps reduce discomfort for people having problems using a straight bar.
When doing the aforementioned exercises, always choose a bar that's comfortable enough to suit your fitness level. For example, if you're a beginner, start with a straight bar or an EZ bar, and slowly work your way up to Olympic bars, as they're slightly longer and difficult to handle.