Deadlift alternative exercises are for those who often look for safer ways to match the effects of a deadlift. Deadlifts are considered one of the best strength training and weight lifting exercises that can be incorporated into your workout routine. This exercise significantly enhances the functional movements of the body by working on several muscles such as the back, shoulders, hamstrings, traps, glutes, rhomboids, and core.
However, not everyone is capable of performing a deadlift without risking injury. But there is nothing to worry about, as there are other variations and alternative deadlift exercises that beginners can include in their workout routine. These exercises will provide similar advantages to those of the standard deadlift.
We have curated a list of the six best deadlift alternative exercises that beginners can incorporate in their workout routine to build strength and muscle mass.
Farmers Walk and 5 Other Effective Deadlift Alternative Exercises for Beginners
1) Dumbbells Bent Over Row
Dumbbells bent over rows tend to be some of the best and most effective deadlift alternative exercises for beginners. This exercise will help to strengthen your back muscles as well as reduce the risk of associated injuries. The use of dumbbells rather than barbells will also make it easier for beginners.
How to do it?
- Start off in an elongated standing position while holding a pair of dumbbells in both your arms.
- Hinge down from your waist to approximately the angle of forty-five degrees with your arms straightened.
- With a neutral spine, pull your elbows backwards and upwards before releasing them back to the initial position.
- Repeat.
2) Barbell Hip Thrust
Hip thrust is also a good deadlift alternative exercise that will help you strengthen your lower body, specifically your hamstrings and glutes, while putting less strain on your lower back. It also increases glute strength and size in a way that few other exercises can.
How to do it?
- Assume a seated position on the ground with your back positioned against the bench, knees bent at an angle of ninety degrees, and your feet planted on the floor.
- Position a barbell across your hips while gripping it with both your palms.
- Drive your hips towards the ceiling so that your body above the knees creates a straight line before lowering your hips back to the ground.
- Repeat.
3) Farmer’s Walk
Farmer’s walk is also amongst the best deadlift alternative exercises that will target your posterior chain and core muscles without placing too much strain on your back. This exercise can help beginners gain muscle mass, strengthen their grip, improve core stability, and develop athletic ability, among other things.
How to do it?
- Start off in an upright standing position while grasping the dumbbells in both your hands.
- Start walking forward normally while keeping your glutes and core engaged.
- Repeat.
4) Dumbbell Good Morning
Dumbbell Good Morning also tends to be one of the best deadlift alternative exercises that targets several muscle groups across your body along with promoting fat loss.
How to do it?
- Start off in an elongated standing position with your feet apart at the hip distance and position the dumbbell on your shoulders with both hands.
- With slightly bent knees, lean forward with your upper body and hinge down at the hips without arching your back.
- Repeat.
5) Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
This exercise is also an effective deadlift alternative exercise that beginners can incorporate into their workout routine. It will also test your body's balance and help you improve your overall coordination.
How to do it?
- Start off by standing in an elongated position with an upright back while clutching dumbbells in both your hands.
- While keeping your gaze straight, shift your body weight to your left leg before starting to hinge down at the waist.
- Hinge at the front while simultaneously raising your right leg back and upwards to bring your body into a straight line.
- Keep your chest lifted and dumbbells hanging in your hands throughout the movement before bringing your body back to the starting position.
- Repeat.
6) Cable Pull Through
Cable pull-through tends to be one of the most effective deadlift alternative exercises that will target all the muscles in your posterior chain while placing less stress on your back. This exercise will also help in increasing the strength of the body.
How to do it?
- Start off by adjusting the rope attachment of the cable machine on the ground while positioning your back on the cable machine in a standing position.
- Clutch the rope attachments with both your hands and pull it between your legs while assuming the standing position.
- Next, hinge down from your hips above by pushing your hips towards the cable machine and pulling the cable through your legs to feel the stretch.
- Make sure to keep your chest lifted and spine neutral throughout the movement.
- Assume the initial position and repeat.
Bottom Line
The aforementioned exercises are some of the best deadlift alternative exercises that beginners can incorporate into their workout regimen.
The advantages provided by the six deadlift alternative exercises listed above include increased muscle mass, enhanced posture, better spine health, strengthened muscles, increased power output, and more. These exercises will also reduce the risk associated with back injuries.
Therefore, if due to any reason you are not able to perform standard variations of deadlift, you should definitely try out the aforementioned deadlift alternative exercises.