Powerlifter Jonathan Cayco’s failed third deadlift attempt at the 2022 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships really ignited a fire inside of him as he works constantly to keep that from happening again. In the past month, Jonathan Cayco has made a number of new deadlift rep records, which is really impressive, but that’s nowhere near the end of his progress.
Jonathan Cayco has now earned a brand new three-rep personal record by deadlifting 707 pounds, which is really great to see. Jonathan Cayco showed off his new achievements on his Instagram profile.
Jonathan Cayco was only equipped with a lifting belt to perform the three-rep set. Hence, his new personal record is considered raw due to powerlifting regulations. Jonathan Cayco planted his feet in a conventional stance, took a massive breath, and grabbed the barbell firmly with a mixed grip before performing all three reps of 707 pounds (321 kilograms).
Most importantly, Jonathan Cayco put a full stop after completing each rep instead of taking the easier or simple route and just touching the floor with the weight plates.
Powerlifter Jonathan Cayco’s Competition Personal Records for Squat, Deadlift, and More
- Squat: 305 kilograms— (2021 USAPL Iron Office Winter Classic)
- Bench Press: 242.5 kilograms — (2021 USAPL Iron Office Winter Classic)
- Deadlift: 347.5 kilograms— (2022 AMP Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD)
- Total: 892.5 kilograms— (2021 USAPL Iron Office Winter Classic)
Jonathan Cayco has not revealed too much information about anything apart from his training lifts, how he works out, and a little bit about his routine. It is unclear whether Jonathan Cayco is actively preparing for the competition or when he will compete next.
Although his bodyweight at the time of his most recent deadlift personal record was not specified either, Jonathan Cayco exclusively competed in the 93-kilogram weight category. So, it is reasonable to predict that Jonathan Cayco is somewhere around that bodyweight currently.
As a professional powerlifter, Jonathan Cayco has taken part in many competitions during his 7-year-long career. He also earned nine victories, the most impressive being the 2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. Unfortunately, Cayco was unable to defend his title this year as Chance Mitchell and Emil Krastev narrowly outperformed him.
But, this year, Jonathan Cayco is putting all his efforts into earning the title. With his impressive workout and training sessions, it seems that he will be able to acquire a winning position in the competition this time.
Jonathan Cayco’s deadlift and squats are now progressing and he can easily earn his World Championships title next year. Cayco is one of the greatest bench pressers in the IPF's 93-kilogramm weight category. So, his goal is to improve in the areas where his opponents usually catch up with him.
He has already made important improvements in this domain, but he still has a long way to go until the 2023 IPF Worlds. Jonathan Cayco has great potential and he is trying best to earn the title.