What are the different types of emotions that you have experienced? Most of us experience a range of emotions on an everyday basis. Your day might start off with happiness but end with irritation.
Do you know the number of different types of emotions that exist in the world? No one does. While scientists and researchers haven't been able to come up with an exact number of emotions, they have come up with certain theories of different types of emotions.

Understanding human emotions

Emotions are responses humans have to external stimuli. Our interactions with others and the choices we make on a daily basis are impacted by our different types of emotions.
If we become aware of our emotions, we come one step closer to emotional wellness. It refers to our ability to regulate and handle one's emotions, giving one an edge over the challenge of dealing with stressful situations.
These different types of emotions have the potential to impact your emotional and psychological well-being. Having a clear and sound understanding of the many emotions we experience on a daily basis can greatly help us navigate our lives with greater ease, balance, and stability. Therefore, the primary way to regulate emotions, is by recognizing them.
Different Types of Emotions: Exploring the Different Types

In this article, we are going to cover the six primary emotions that have been studied by mental health professionals and researchers for many years. However, recent research shows that there may be 27 different types of emotions.
This shows that emotions remain a complex mystery waiting to be resolved. Here are the six primary types of emotions:
1) Happiness

Happiness is characterized by a combination of positive emotions like, pleasantness, satisfaction, and contentment. We all strive to be happier human beings. It gives us a boost to do better and live better. It also makes us want to do things for other people. As flowers are to the world, happiness is to humans.
2) Sadness

When understanding different types of emotions, sadness can't be missed. Feelings of hopelessness, disappointment, and loss or grief can all lead to sadness. It can be expressed in various ways through crying, withdrawal, isolation and quietness.
Sadness is something that every human being experiences from time to time, the duration of this emotion can help us determine the state of the individual's mental health. If sadness persists for a prolonged time duration, it can be an alarming sign of depression.
3) Anger

Anger is a result of an emotional condition that increases one's vulnerability to frustration, conflicts, and outbursts. Anger is one of the most intense emotional states within a human being; it can take up a huge amount of vital energy in a human being and can leave them drained after the experience.
One of the key principles of anger management is recognition of the trigger and learning ways to manage it.
4) Fear

Fear is an emotion that manifests itself physically as the fight, flight, or freeze reaction, all of which are critical to one's ability to survive. It is important to understand that fear does not necessarily mean danger; it is an emotional response within a human being that stems from survival instincts.
5) Disgust

Strong adverse types of emotions, including disgust, are often the result of earlier negative experiences, such as repulsion. Disgust can occur within a human being when they are faced with a physical stimulus like seeing, smelling, or tasting a rotten substance. While we don't experience this frequently, it has survival functions.
6) Surprise

When it does occur, the emotional state of surprise is typically one that lasts for only a short amount of time. This feeling is similar to when we experience something completely unexpected for the first time, and the rush of amazement we experience is referred to as being surprised.
Surprise can have either a positive or negative impact on the individual depending on the nature of circumstances they may be present in.
Human experiences different types of emotions, and they all impact our daily lives and the relationships we craft. You can improve your own emotional well-being by familiarizing yourself with the spectrum of everyday experiences that make up human emotion.
One's physical health cannot be separated from one's types of emotions. Taking care of fundamental needs like rest, coping with grief, practicing awareness, and strengthening connections with loved ones can be immensely helpful if you feel as though your thoughts and different types of emotions are taking over.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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