Does exercise help migraines?  How working out can help you fight the pain

Does exercise help migraines? Migraines cause throbbing pain on one side of the head.(Image via pexel/Andrea pIacquadio)
Migraines cause throbbing pain on one side of the head.(Image via Pexel/Andrea pIacquadio)

If you suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating the pain can be, but does exercise help migraines? Migraines can make it challenging to live your daily life and also affect your overall quality of life.

While there are several treatments available for migraines, including medication and lifestyle changes, many people wonder if exercise can help alleviate the pain. In this article, we will explore the connection between exercise and migraines and how working out can help you fight the pain.

What are migraines?

Does exercise help migraines? Symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound (Image via pexel/Andrea pIacquadio) Does exercise help migraines?
Does exercise help migraines? Symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound (Image via pexel/Andrea pIacquadio) Does exercise help migraines?

Migraines are a type of headache that can cause intense pain, throbbing and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can last from a few hours to several days, making it difficult to function in your daily life.

Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and dizziness, which can make it even more challenging to manage.

Does exercise help migraines?

Exercise has several benefits that can help reduce frequency and intensity of migraines. Does exercise help migraines? Yes, they do. Here are some of the ways exercise can help:

Reduces stress – Stress is a common trigger for migraines, and exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress level. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters, can help you feel more relaxed and less anxious.

Improves sleep – Poor sleep quality can also trigger migraines. Exercise can improve sleep quality, helping you get a good night's rest and reducing risk of migraines.

Increases blood flow – Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can help reduce frequency and intensity of migraines.

Promotes overall health – Exercise is good for overall health, and a healthy body is less likely to experience migraines.

What type of exercises are best for migraines?

Migraines can last from a few hours to several days and can be disabling. (Image via pexel/Andrea pIacquadio)
Migraines can last from a few hours to several days and can be disabling. (Image via pexel/Andrea pIacquadio)

While any type of exercise is beneficial, some types of exercises are better for migraines than others. Here are some exercises that can help alleviate migraines:

Low-impact cardio – Low-impact cardio exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming are excellent for people with migraines. These exercises increase blood flow to the brain without putting too much stress on the body.

Yoga – Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that can help reduce stress level and improve flexibility. Yoga also promotes relaxation and mindfulness, which can help alleviate migraines.

Strength training – Strength training exercises like weightlifting and resistance band training can help improve overall health and reduce stress levels.

StretchingStretching exercises like Pilates and Tai Chi can help improve flexibility and reduce stress levels, making them excellent for people with migraines.

When should you avoid exercise?

While exercise can be beneficial for people with migraines, there are some situations when you should avoid exercise. Here are some instances when you should avoid exercise:

During a migraine – Exercising during a migraine can exacerbate the pain and make it more challenging to manage.

When you're dehydrated – Dehydration can trigger migraines, and exercising when you're dehydrated can increase risk of migraines.

When you're tired – Exercise can be beneficial for people with migraines, but it's essential to listen to your body. If you're feeling tired, it's best to rest and avoid exercise.

Does exercise help migraines, which about 12% of the population. (Image via Pexel/Andrea pIacquadio)
Does exercise help migraines, which about 12% of the population. (Image via Pexel/Andrea pIacquadio)

Does exercise help migraines? Exercise can be an effective way to reduce frequency and intensity of migraines. Low-impact cardio, yoga, strength training and stretching are all excellent exercises for people with migraines.

However, it's essential to listen to your body and avoid exercising during a migraine, when you're dehydrated or when you're tired. By incorporating exercises in your routine, you can improve your overall health and reduce risk of migraines. If you're new to exercise or have a medical condition, it's essential to consult with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

So, does exercise help migraines? Exercise can be a helpful tool in managing migraines. It can reduce stress level, improve sleep quality, increase blood flow and promote overall health. By incorporating exercise into your routine, you can reduce frequency and intensity of migraines and improve your quality of life.

Remember to start slow, listen to your body, and always consult your doctor before starting an exercise routine. With dedication and persistence, you can overcome the pain and discomfort of migraines and live a healthy, active life.

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