The impact of social media on eating habits is complicated. That's because, there are various aspects to be considered, such as how much social media a person uses, the importance of social media for that person and whether they understand the difference between reel life and real life.
Moreover, social media is used by many people who have varying thoughts and ways of processing information.
Can social media affect your eating habits?
We now live in a world where social media has been one of the key revolutions. Almost everyone is on a social media platform. Nevertheless, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on social media platforms and if that can impact their fitness and diet.
In a situation where someone is highly influenced by another individual on social media, it could affect their eating habits.
For example, if the person who influences you is living on a 1,200 calorie diet (or rather showing that on social media), you’ll want to do the same. Unfortunately, a 1,200 calorie diet may not suit you at all. In fact, it’s too low for any adult.
Nevertheless, since it’s a person who is influencing you, you will be urged to try the same, which would trigger eating disorders. It’s proven that eating disorders are evidence that social media can affect your eating habits, but it depends from person to person.
Ideally, it’s important to understand that your body and diet will not be similar to someone else’s regardless of fitness. Someone’s muscle maintenance calories can be 5,000, but you cannot have that many calories if you’re trying to lose weight.
It’s imperative to understand that social media can impact your eating habits or any other decision if you allow it to.
How to use social media for diets and fitness?
It’s dangerous to try and replicate someone else’s diet, especially one that you’ve seen on social media. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot be inspired or motivated by seeing someone else's diet.
For example, you can be motivated by a recipe and try it with ingredients that match your calorie range, or you can be inspired by seeing someone follow the keto diet, and try it yourself.
Moreover, you can be a part of various positive food communities and groups that can help you figure out which items are best suited for your health without imposing anything on you.
Social media is a great way to gain exposure towards new foods, cuisines and recipes. Your eating habits do not need to change when you see these things, but you can switch them once in a while to avoid monotony
Bottom Line
We've seen how social media can affect our eating habits. However, it can also help us leave behind unhealthy habits if we follow the right people.
The right fitness or diet coach will never impose any habit on you but will guide you through with examples and experiences that can have a positive impact on your life and fitness journey.
So it's imperative that you use social media to change your eating habits for the better.