Dowager hump, also called a neck hump, hunchback, text hump or round back, and medically termed as kyphosis, is an excessive curve of the spine.
Apart from a hump in the upper back, you may also notice rounded shoulders, headaches and migraines, tight hamstring muscles, stiffness in the shoulders, fatigue and pain and tightness in the neck.
What is dowager's hump?

It's a spinal condition in which the spine excessively curves forward and causes several uncomfortable symptoms.
This condition occurs mainly due to a forward-leaning posture and is quite common among older adults, but it’s affecting the younger generation, too, recently. Over time, poor posture can lead to an abnormal curve of the upper vertebrae and cause numerous complications.
Dowager hump causes
A poor posture is one of the most common causes of dowager hump. Weak upper back muscles and stiff muscles in the chest and neck are potential causes of this forward-leaning posture.
Moreover, there are many other conditions that may lead to a dowager hump, including:
- osteoporosis
- congenital problem
- Scheuermann’s kyphosis
- spinal injuries
- spinal tumors
- degenerative disc disease
- vertebral fractures
- impaired mobility
- weak muscles
- genetics
Dowager hump treatment

The good news is that a dowager hump can be treated completely. There are numerous treatment options, depending on the severity of the condition and patient's overall health.
Here are some ways to get rid of neck hump:
Pain relief medications: Over-the-counter pain relief medications can help reduce back pain and also prevent it from recurring.
Physical therapy: Physical therapy can also be beneficial in treating dowager hump. Your healthcare provider may recommend you to a physical therapist who can help you with specific exercises to improve your condition.
Bracing: A back brace can keep the spinal structure from exacerbating and help improve it by providing support to the back.
Surgery: Surgery can be opted for in cases with severe kyphosis and serious symptoms. A surgical procedure can reduce the curve in the spine.
Five best stretches for dowager hump
One of the best ways to treat a dowager hump is to exercise regularly. There are several exercises and stretches for the hump neck that can reverse the problem.
Regular practice of the following five stretches not only treats the hump but also strengthens the muscles in the shoulders and back and improves overall posture.
#1 Scapular squeeze
This stretch eases shoulder pain and helps with upper back mobility. Additionally, it improves posture and prevents rounded shoulders.
To do it:
- Stand upright with your head straight.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together for a few seconds, and release. Complete a few reps.
#2 Pectoral stretch
This exercise stretches the chest and eases pain and tightness.
To do it:
- Stand straight facing a wall. Place your forearm and elbow on the wall, and make sure the elbow is at chest height.
- With your arm pressed on the wall, rotate the body away till you feel a stretch in the chest. Hold the position, and repeat the exercise.
- Switch sides.
#3 Chin tuck

Chin tucks are also a great exercise for dowager hump. This exercise strengthens the deep cervical muscles and eases neck stiffness as well.
To do it:
- Stand or sit, and place two fingers at your chin.
- Slowly tuck your chin in, and move your head backwards. Simultaneously, use your fingers to keep your chin tucked in throughout the exercise.
- Hold the position for a few breaths, and release.
#4 Thoracic spine foam rolling
Thoracic spine foam rolling offers great relief from back pain and helps loosen tight upper back muscles.
To do it:
- Lie on your back straight with a foam roller placed right under the upper back and hands placed behind the head.
- Begin to roll up and down slowly. Roll at your mid back, and move towards your shoulders. As you roll, make sure the core muscles are tight and engaged.
- Complete a few rolls.
#5 Wall angel
Wall angels can strengthen the shoulder muscles and also improve spine alignment.
To do it:
- Stand straight with your back against the wall and both arms at the sides and palms facing forward.
- Make sure the shoulders, lower back, butt and head are pressed against the wall. Position the feet a few inches away from the wal,l and keep a soft bent in the knees.
- Slowly lift your arms above your head as far as possible while contracting the belly button towards the spine.
- Lower your arms back down, and repeat.
The aforementioned stretches are simple and can be easily done in the comfort of your home. You must do these stretches regularly to see improvements in your posture and most importantly, to get rid of dowager hump.
If left untreated, complications can occur, including persistent pain in the shoulders and back, reduced mobility, trouble breathing, digestive problems, and tingling sensations in the legs and arms.
If you notice a curve in your shoulders and upper back that you feel has grown over time, consult a doctor immediately.