It is estimated that one in three people with eating disorders are male, and that 10 million American boys and men will struggle with it. For a very long time, body image concerns and disordered eating have been associated with women. Unfortunately, due to general biases, a lot of young men find it difficult to reach out for help and remain undiagnosed.
Eating disorders are a group of mental health conditions that can significantly affect your relationship with food. Children, both young boys and girls, learn about body image in their early years. They learn about 'ideal' body types, especially if they have early exposure to social media. This influences how they see themselves, and their relationship with their physical body.

What are signs of eating disorders in adolescent boys?

Due to the advent of social media, muscular toys, and COVID-19, there has been a steep rise and recognition of disordered eating among boys. Additionally, men’s bodies are unique, just like women’s bodies, and men are not immune to societal expectations and images in the media of what their bodies “should” look like.
If their body does not fit societal norms, many teen boys and men turn to anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating as a way to control their body size, makeup, or shape.
The signs of eating disorders in adolescent boys often overlap with those of girls. However, there are certain signs that can go unnoticed in adolescent boys.
1. Obsession with body type
As much as we promote that women should look a particular type, we also constantly talk about what men's bodies should look like. A stereotypical category is: 'tall, dark, and handsome.' Individuals who don't meet this category are automatically stigmatized based on their bodies.
Unfortunately, these body ideals are quite common in the teen years and they may experience various issues with their body image.
2. Excessive exercise

A common symptom that gets missed out on is excessive exercise. Hitting the gym and lifting more weights is considered more 'masculine.' It is often assumed that men should be able to transform their bodies into superhero physiques. One should be on the lookout for gym routines that go beyond physical fitness goals.
3. Social withdrawal
Teen boys with eating disorders may not show up at social events and may keep to themselves. They may avoid settings that involve eating with others. They may refuse to go to school or engage in other activities in an attempt to hide their bodies from others.
It has taken us a long time to de-stigmatize eating disorders and not see them as only a 'women's issue.' It is important for us to hold on to this recognition and psycho-educate young boys about the types of eating disorders and the symptoms associated with them.
Bodybuilding, MMA, wrestling, and other weight-based or image-driven sports can often promote diets and patterns of eating that are very disordered. Adolescent boys with eating disorders deserve a voice and deserve a chance at treatment, recovery, and healing.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.