5 effective breathing techniques for anxiety and stress  

Breathing techniques can help ease stress and anxiety. (Photo via Pexels/Spencer Selover)
Breathing techniques can help ease stress and anxiety (Photo via Pexels/Spencer Selover)

If you are stressed or have anxiety and you want to just slow down and relax, practicing some deep breathing techniques can help. There are different types of breathing exercises that can potentially help you feel more relaxed, calm, and focused.

The best part about breathing techniques is that they are easy to learn, and you can get started anytime. All you need is a comfortable and quiet place where you can focus on your breath and practice the exercises without any disturbance.

So, are you ready to give them a try? To help you get started, we’ve listed the five best breathing techniques you can practice to combat stress and anxiety.

Breathing techniques to alleviate stress and anxiety

1. Belly breathing

Belly breathing is one of the most effective breathing techniques for anxiety. Several studies suggest that practicing a few minutes of belly breathing each day can help alleviate anxiety and stress and keep you relaxed.

Here's how to do it:

  • Sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable place and keep one hand on your upper chest and the other on your stomach, just below your ribcage.
  • Keep your belly relaxed and do not clench or squeeze it inward.
  • From there, slowly breathe in through your nose and feel your belly rise with your hand. Slowly exhale through your lips with your hands still on your chest and relatively still.
Belly breathing is one of the best breathing techniques to ease stress. (Photo via Pexels/Arina Krasnikova)
Belly breathing is one of the best breathing techniques to ease stress. (Photo via Pexels/Arina Krasnikova)

2. Box breathing

Box breathing, also called four-square breathing, is among the most effective breathing techniques for stress. It is an easy breathing exercise that’s very simple to learn and perform.

Here's how to do it:

  • Sit in a comfortable place on a chair or floor and breathe out to a count of four.
  • Now breathe in for a count of four and then hold the air in your lungs again for a count of four.
  • Breathe out and repeat the pattern. Remember to hold each breath for a count of four or more if you can do it.

3. Pursed lip breathing

Pursed lip breathing is one of the best deep breathing techniques that help make your breaths slower and more focused. According to studies, this breathing exercise is especially beneficial for people with anxiety problems and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Here's how to do it:

  • Sit in a comfortable position and keep your muscles relaxed, particularly your shoulders and neck.
  • Keep your mouth closed and slowly inhale through your nostrils.
  • Now exhale through your mouth for at least three seconds while pouting your lips out. Again, breathe in through your nostrils and repeat the exercise.
Pursed lip breathing is one of the best deep breathing techniques that help make your breaths slower. (Photo via Pexels/Victoria Rain)
Pursed lip breathing is one of the best deep breathing techniques that help make your breaths slower. (Photo via Pexels/Victoria Rain)

4. Deep breathing

Deep breathing is a really beneficial breathing technique that prevents air from getting stuck in the lungs and helps you breathe in fresh oxygen. This breathing exercise prevents shortness of breath, relieves stress, and helps you to relax.

Here's how to do it:

  • Sit or stand in a comfortable position and move your elbows back to allow your chest to expand slightly.
  • Now take a deep breath through your nostrils and hold your breath for a count of five.
  • Release your breath slowly by exhaling through your nostrils, and repeat the pattern a few times more.

5. Alternate breathing

Alternate breathing, also called Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, is a popular breathing exercise in yoga. It offers great relaxation from stress and also improves cardiovascular health by lowering heart rate.

While you can practice this breathing technique anytime, experts believe that practicing it on an empty stomach is the best way to attain its benefits.

Here's how to do it:

  • Sit in a comfortable position and place.
  • Now using your left hand, press your middle and first fingers down towards your palm and leave your other fingers extended straight.
  • Exhale, then use your left thumb to close your left nostril.
  • Inhale through your right nostril and then close the nostril using your left ring and pinky fingers.
  • Exhale through your left nostril while also releasing your thumb.
  • Now inhale through your left nostril and close it while releasing your fingers to open your right nostril. Exhale through the same side. Continue the pattern for a few minutes.
Alternate breathing is a popular breathing exercise in yoga. (Photo via Pexels/Thirdman)
Alternate breathing is a popular breathing exercise in yoga. (Photo via Pexels/Thirdman)

Breathing techniques don’t have to be complicated and don’t have to take a lot of time. Just start with five minutes a day and slowly increase the duration as the technique becomes easier. Practice two to three times a day and see how it works for you.

If you have health concerns like asthma or any kind of lung problem, speak with a doctor before attempting any type of breathing exercise.

Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh
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