Do you have that one person in your life who drains your emotional energy? You might be in close contact with an energy vampire. "Emotional vampire" or "energy vampire" is not an officially recognized term. It is used to identify an individual who drains the emotional or mental energy of others around them.
Hanging out or socializing with some people may leave you feeling depleted and low. They can be anyone in your inner circle, and just like any other relationship, it is essential to draw your boundaries when you are with them. As mental health research is becoming refined, various various personality traits are being recognized that may be unhealthy or may impact your mental health in a negative way.

3 Signs You Have Been Affected by an Energy Vampire
Recognizing an emotional manipulator in your life is essential to protect your mental and emotional well-being. Recognition is important so that you can protect yourself and take appropriate actions. Here are three signs that your energy is being drained:
1) You Feel Drained
As the name suggests, an energy vampire feeds off your emotional resources. This can sound atypical and also very dramatic, but in reality, we all have an emotional bank. If you consistently feel emotionally or mentally exhausted after interacting with specific people, it could be a sign that your emotional resources are becoming limited.
For instance, you may feel overwhelmed by certain emotions or may not be able to respond to emotional situations. Being around an energy vampire can lead to heightened level of negative emotions without clear triggers.
2) You Feel Unwell

Energy vampires can affect you not only your emotional and mental health but also physical health. Since your emotions become depleted, you start pouring from an empty cup. When you are around an emotional vampire, they prioritize their own health over yours, making it difficult for you to focus on your own well-being.
3) You Feel Controllled
The feeling of being controlled is very common when you are around an energy vampire. You may feel the need to seek their validation or even permission to engage in certain behaviors. Energy vampires often manipulate others emotionally to get what they want, leaving them feeling used or controlled.
Types of Energy Vampires

Individuals can display various traits and their draining behaviors can vary depending on their personality traits and emotional needs. These are the most common categories that you may come across, which have underlying behaviors of gaslighting. Irrespective of the category, it is important to prioritize your emotional safety:
1) The Victim
An individual displaying these traits is likely to victimize themselves to lure you in. Unfortunately, this can force you to sympathize and feed your attention to them. Any conversation would include an elaborate story on their misery and turmoils.
2) The Narcissist

Narcissistic vampires can't get enough of themselves. Like the personality trait of narcissism, they drain you by making everything about themselves. They are inconsiderate, self-focused, and display low empathy towards the other in the relationship. It is important to note that not everyone displaying these traits is to be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
3) The Drama Queen/King
These emotional vampires display histrionic traits. They are all about seeking attention but giving nothing in return. They like to be at the centre stage and don't like sharing the spotlight with someone else in the relationship.
4) The Guilt-Tripper
You are likely to constantly feel guilty and shameful around them. Due to the manipulative techniques they deploy, an individual is likely to be stuck in the cycle of guilt. An individual with low self-esteem is likely to be their target.
It's essential to recognize these types of emotional vampires to protect yourself from their draining effects. There are many ways in which you can maintain your well-being. Example, try to set healthy boundaries, practice self-care, and keep taking preventive measures.
It is important to also note that while the term energy vampire is all over the internet, we must pause before calling someone out with this term. The idea is to become aware for your own self, and not for stigmatising a group of individuals. Be alert for the signs but with a pinch of consideration for the other person.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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