Evening primrose oil (EPO), which is obtained from the seeds of the flowers, is a beautifully fragrant essence that comes loaded with a lot of health benefits. The evening primrose flower or Oenothera biennis is native to North America and its oil is obtained from the seeds of the flower. It has been traditionally used for a long time by Native Americans to treat a number of ailments, ranging from skin conditions to sore throats and even hemorrhoids.
The healing capacity of evening primrose oil may lie in the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that it contains. Gamma-linolenic is an omega-6 fatty acid that is found in the oils obtained from plants. Although the oil is topically applied, it is also available in the form of supplements.
The health benefits of evening primrose oil are presently being counted as multiple in number, and here’s everything that you need to know about its uses and side effects!
Health Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil
1. Peripheral neuropathy

Pain in the nerve or peripheral neuropathy commonly occurs in those with diabetes. Certain research on animal studies shows that fatty acids such as linolenic acid may possibly help alleviate the symptoms of neuropathy. These include numbness, weakness, sensitivity to hot and cold, tingling, and more.
Although more research is required to determine the efficacy of the oil, it can be considered a positive and beneficial substance when it comes to this condition.
2. May help provide relief from acne

GLA in evening primrose oil is considered by some medical groups to be effective in reducing skin inflammation. It is also taken to be a potent agent that might help reduce the number of lesion-causing skin cells. GLA might also help retain the natural moisture barrier of the skin.
As per research conducted in 2022, GLA might help provide relief from the probable side effects of isotretinoin, a skin medication that is popularly known as Accutane. Other findings indicate the healing capacities of GLA supplements for inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions of acne.
3. Might help treat eczema

Oral administration of evening primrose oil as a treatment for eczema has been found to be effective. It may help rectify an abnormal pattern in the essential fatty acids that are found in eczema. The skin disease can be effectively treated with the aid of conventional or traditional medication.
Methods such as applying evening primrose oil as a complementary alternative have been tried out by people whose conditions do not seem to improve with regular medications. People who fear side effects from conventional treatment should also give this method a try.
4. May relieve premenstrual symptoms

A 2019 study has suggested that EPO might effectively bring relief to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The symptoms the oil might be able to treat include tenderness of the breast, bloating, irritability, and premenstrual acne. Some researchers consider that PMS affects those who are sensitive to the levels of prolactin in the body.
GLA is found to convert to prostaglandin E1 in the body, which is considered to stop prolactin from causing PMS. Some women have also reported that EPO has eased feelings of depression, irritability (mood swings), and bloating from fluid retention.
5. Easing bone pain and side effects of osteoporosis

Pain in the bones is the most common symptom of rheumatoid arthritis which is a chronic inflammatory ailment. GLA in evening primrose oil could potentially alleviate the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis without causing additional side effects.
It has also been noticed to decrease the wear and tear of bones and instead increase bone density in elderly people with osteoporosis. EPO in such conditions is often taken together with calcium and fish oil.
6. Can improve overall skin health

GLA in this essential oil has healing benefits for the skin. It is also thought to possess anti-inflammatory properties that might help relieve skin irritations. GLA has been found to retain the natural moisture of the skin and thus could effectively benefit the structure and function of the skin.
Since skin can’t itself produce GLA, evening primrose oil could be a good nourishing substance for improving overall skin health. It has also been seen that oral supplementation of the oil can bring skin-smoothing benefits by enhancing its elasticity and fatigue resistance.
7. Minimize cyclic breast pain

Some women may benefit from the administration of evening primrose oil when it comes to relieving cyclical breast pain. The GLA content of the oil is considered to reduce inflammation in the tissues and prevent the hormones responsible for causing cyclical breast pain from triggering it. However, the oil would not be as potent as compared to topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), vitamin E, or danazol.
8. EPO and cholesterol control

Many people with heart disease rely on traditional remedies such as the use of EPO as a potential aid to relief from the condition. In a 2020 review of certain research, it was found that evening primrose oil may have positive effects on cholesterol levels. However, such a statement stands to be inconclusive given the limited scope of the study. Additional findings are required to back up the claim.
Evening primrose oil side effects

Although the short-term use of evening primrose oil is usually considered safe, the long-term uses of the substance are yet to be determined by significant data. The supplements containing EPO are not supervised by the FDA. So, while choosing EPO supplements, it is advisable for you to research the brand and the seller.
It is not advisable for you to take evening primrose oil if you are on blood thinners such as warfarin, as it can increase bleeding. The oil may also possibly lower your blood pressure, so do be careful if you are on medications for the same. Other blood thinners, such as clopidogrel and aspirin, may also interact adversely with EPO.
People on drugs for epilepsy and schizophrenia should avoid taking EPO since it can increase the chance of sustaining a seizure.
EPO should not be taken within 2 weeks prior to getting general anesthesia since it may increase the risk of seizures.
Other side effects of the oil may include:
- Stomach pain
- Soft stools
- Headache
- Upset stomach
Certain allergic reactions from EPO may include:
- Hand and feet inflammation
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Difficulty in breathing
Evening primrose oil benefits seem to be way more than the data showing potential side effects of the element. The use of evening primrose oil should nevertheless be strictly monitored and always guided by the advice of an expert. The potential of this oil is significantly higher than how much has been explored as of yet. However, it is always safe to stick to certain safety measures when it comes to using traditional remedies such as this one.