Excessive Yawning: Is It Something To Be Worried About?

excessive yawning causes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)
excessive yawning causes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)

Everybody who's lived has yawned. It's a basic involuntary response when you're feeling bored or tired.

Excessive yawning, on the other hand, can indicate more than just exhaustion or boredom. It could also be a sign of something more serious. The vagus nerve, in addition to sleep difficulties, medication, and a variety of other variables, can all contribute to it.

It can happen while talking to a friend, trying to keep your eyes open during a boring lecture, or even when you just saw somebody yawn. (Yes, they can be contagious.)

Being aware of the symptoms of excessive yawning might assist you in determining and treating the underlying problem.

Is excessive yawning something to be worried about?

Excessive yawning, more often than not, means there's something wrong.

You may be experiencing excessive yawning if you yawn more than once every minute.

causes of yawning (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by adrian)
causes of yawning (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by adrian)

It is a response to a vasovagal reflex induced by specific medical conditions. The vagus nerve connects the brain to the belly via the throat. The increased activity of this nerve promotes frequent yawning.

Understanding the causes behind yawning excessively is important so you can take notes of the symptoms and consult with the right doctor at the right time.

Reasons Behind Excessive Yawning

Although yawning is linked to boredom or tiredness, yawning excessively might mean there's a deeper problem.

Here are some of the most typical reasons to look out for:

1) Anxiety

Anxiety and stress can be the culprits behind yawning. Our body boosts our oxygen levels whenever we're in a stressful situation via long deep breaths.

Yawning helps to regulate respiratory patterns and can act as a subconscious stress-reduction technique.

yawning cause of anxiety (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by nathan)
yawning cause of anxiety (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by nathan)

If you notice yourself yawning excessively throughout tough scenarios, it might indicate that you require stress management or relaxation approaches.

2) Sleep disorders

Tiredness or exhaustion is a typical cause of excessive yawning. People who are having problems sleeping may find themselves yawning quite more than usual.

yawning caused by sleep disorders (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by craig)
yawning caused by sleep disorders (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by craig)

If you are constantly tired or sleepy the entire day, or it appears that you have a sleeping condition, you should consult a doctor.

3) Side effects of certain drugs

Some medications can make you feel drowsy and tired. Yawning excessively is a typical side effect of SSRIs, which are medications used for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

yawning due to medication (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)
yawning due to medication (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)

4) Epilepsy

Just after you experience a seizure, your brain causes you to yawn in order to mitigate the negative effects of the stroke.

yawning while having a seizure (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by andrea)
yawning while having a seizure (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by andrea)

It might also be the case because, after having a seizure, your body is starving for energy levels to go back up.

5) Neurological issues

Excessive yawning can cause a number of other neurological issues, like:

  • Migraines
  • Head injury
  • Sclerosis
  • Strokes
Neurological issues triggering yawning (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by andrea)
Neurological issues triggering yawning (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by andrea)

For people who are suffering from these conditions, yawning might act as a way of relieving the symptoms.

6) Liver failure

During the final stages of liver failure, people may yawn excessively. Scientists believe this is linked to liver failure.

Other signs of liver failure are:

  • appetite loss
  • nausea
  • diarrhea perplexity
  • feeling incredibly drowsy during the day
Yawning due to liver failure (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)
Yawning due to liver failure (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)

7) Heart conditions

Excessive yawning may suggest bleeding near the heart or possibly a heart attack in some situations.

Other symptoms of heart disease may include:

  • chest discomfort,
  • shortness of breath
  • discomfort in the upper part of the body
  • nausea and dizziness
Importance of seeing a doctor (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)
Importance of seeing a doctor (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by cotton bro)

If you notice any of these symptoms, consulting a medical professional is mandatory to avoid any unfortunate events.

If you yawn frequently, you may be drowsy, sleepy, or weary. However, if you find yourself yawning frequently for no apparent cause, you should consult your doctor to confirm that nothing is wrong.

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