Exercise #5
Single Leg Pistol Squats
Step 1: Get down in the squat position and keep your feet flat on the floor.
Step 2: Take your left leg in front of you and try to balance on the other.
Step 3: Once you are fine with the balance situation, stand back up with your left leg in the air.
Step 4: Slowly get back down in the squat position again, balancing your body weight on your right leg.
Do this exercise 10 times on each leg.
Important Tips: Your back needs to be straight and your hands need to be straight, parallel to the floor for balance. This is a difficult exercise and hence may take time for you to master. Till you work on it, use some support to get used to it. With time you will notice that you can do deeper squats easily. Pros manage to get down all the way to the floor and get back up without any support. Do not worry, you will get there with a little practice.