Being pregnant is no doubt a beautiful experience, but it can be quite challenging - ask anybody who has been pregnant.
The hormonal changes brought about during pregnancy can cause shifts in mood, appetite, appearance, stress levels and what not. While exercising during this time can be intimidating, it’s important to remember that exercise is what will help you ease through these challenges for a seamless pregnancy.
Sure, there are specialised yoga classes for pregnant women, and maybe some dance classes as well, but one mustn’t shy away from strength training while being pregnant either.
Benefits of Strength Training While Pregnant
Strength training during pregnancy brings about a lot of good things. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits strength training provides while being pregnant:
Strengthens muscles
A lot of muscles in the body take on some strain during pregnancy, especially the back and the hips. That may result in constant aches and/or pains. Regular strength training can strengthen these muscles and condition them to take on the necessary loads. Moreover, that strength can come in handy post delivery.
Improves posture
A lot of women report postural differences during pregnancy. That can be attributed to the weight of the growing baby pulling you down and causing discomfort in the back. Regular exercise can help strengthen your back and keep your posture upright.
Improves mood
Hormone fluctuations during pregnancy can bring about shifts in mood as well. Pregnant or not, exercise is a proven way to alleviate stress and anxiety, improving mood in the long run and keeping you cheerful. Just because your hormones are all over the place doesn’t mean you won’t produce the same endorphins.
Helps manage weight
A lot of women claim to gain weight when pregnant. That could be due to a number of factors, including irregular exercise, and, of course, pregnancy cravings. These can be intense and uncontrollable due to hormonal fluctuations and can eventually lead to weight gain. Staying active when pregnant can help combat that to some extent and manage weight.
Aids with baby’s development
Research has shown that babies delivered from women who stayed active during their pregnancy tend to be more alert and active themselves. Regular exercise can contribute to their overall health, as it facilitates faster growth and development of cells.
Eases labour
Of course, the most dreaded yet exciting part of being pregnant is delivery. The delivery of a baby is preceded by intense, uncontrollable labour pains. Studies have shown that women who exercised during their pregnancy experience less pain during labour. What’s more, the delivery is also smooth without any complications.
Based on several studies and testimonials, it's safe to say that strength training while pregnant is not only safe but good for you.
Strength training provides numerous benefits to the body and its functioning, even more so for those who are pregnant. While it's important to do it in a safe environment where you are being monitored, don’t let your worries stop you from picking up those weights. Do it for yourself and your baby.