#6 Burpees
Step 1: Stand upright with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
Step 2: Squat down by bending your knees and then move your hands towards the ground, with your palms facing the ground. Ensure that your palms are shoulder-width apart and placed below the shoulders.
Step 3: Right at the time your palms make contact with the ground, push your knees backwards to come into the high plank position that you assume before the start of a push up.
Step 4: Complete a pushup and then thrust your feet forward towards your hands. As soon as your feet make contact with the ground upon completion of the forward motion, jump up as high as you can.
Step 5: Land in a controlled manner back into the squat position and then repeat the full range of motion.
Sets and Reps: Once comfortable with the exercise, perform 2 sets in total, with each set comprising 10 reps. Finish on a high!
Important Tips: While performing Step 3, keep your core tight and do not excessively arch your lower back. Make sure you lower your body in one straight line to the ground. Keep your elbows and knees soft and relaxed as your complete the full movement. Remember to breathe.
Also, read 6 Intense Burpee Workouts You Should Do For Maximum Impact.
Modification: If you are unable to complete this movement, skip the pushup between the high plank position and the motion of pulling your feet forward towards your hands. Alternatively, avoid the push-pull motion of the feet altogether; simply step them back into the high plank position and step them forward again.
- Full-body movement which strengthens every major muscle group
- Very effective at burning fat due to the intensity that this movement entails
- Improves stamina and endurance
- Elevates metabolism and improves cardiovascular fitness
After completing your workout cycle, it is imperative that you spend at least 5 minutes cooling down to aid in muscle recovery and to minimize soreness. Remember that your fitness journey is a marathon and not a sprint and as much as you would like to sprint your marathons, doing so would be detrimental in the long-run. Taking proper care of your body through exercise coupled with active rest and repair is the key to sustainable results.